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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. Ouch. That is not a good look. Ukrainian social housing circa 1980.
  2. The pre-fab might be cheap but the look of this one will be great…. the horizontal lines and lots of glass is still refreshing; it's not white but still has a Miami aesthetic.
  3. Wow! Stunning pic. Love that Montreal has a cluster of towers. Finally. And it's going to get better with the TDC 2 & 3 and the projects on Lucien L'allier. ...Backside or frontside, L'Avenue is a winner!
  4. What is that building going-up on the west side of the viaduct? South of Le 1000...
  5. I have to say, I'm really looking forward to this one. It has a very clean aesthetic and is right off Miami Beach with its white horizontal lines and lots of glass. It's going to be refreshing.
  6. Which is totally ridiculous in the heart of downtown… Theses blocks should be buildable up to at least 25-30 stories. Zoning heights in parts downtown can sometimes be so provincial. I'm fine with a max limit of 200M overall; I could care less about building a 60-storey building anywhere, but the limits are very restrictive in areas where they shouldn't necessarily.
  7. Doesn't even have to be that tall. I'll take another 50-storey building but perhaps with a less flat roof.
  8. Not everything deserves to be preserved. In a downtown core we have to make room for density. Unless an entire section is made historic or truly worthwhile buildings are landmarked, there is no need to save it or integrate it. I'm sorry, but these are not worthy of saving. Tear-dows. Bring on the density. This looks promising.
  9. LOL. Yeah. That's what Montreal's Plan D'Urbanisme needs: more regulations. That part of town is so dead and dull, 2 or 3 buildings with blue glass will be a breath of fresh air! Too much blue glass in Montreal?? Try too much pre-fab beige.
  10. I was critiquing the newer developments going-up - architecturally. Los Angeles is hardly a wasteland. It's undergoing a major transformation and it's very exciting to witness. Wasteland is a very old stereotype of the city; very dated. It's vastness is actually a strength. It is impossible to fully gentrify and ensures that neighborhoods maintain their uniqueness in a lot of ways.
  11. It would be a complete waste of prime real estate to just build a parking garage - even though most of the site doesn't actually have street frontage. I never thought this was a great location for an office tower. Perhaps if it has access to R-L frontage. Which isn't impossible if they demo'd that on-its-way-to-being obsolete office building that currently has a R-L address. I do love this spot for a resi tower - condo, student residences, market rentals. A) This part of town needs some height. B) More downtown residents is a good thing.
  12. There is lots of ugly in Chicago and New York and Toronto! Even here in LA, a very wealth city, the stuff being built is awful.
  13. The pocket around the Bell Centre is our first true cluster of towers… in downtown Montreal the towers are all quite spread out and, in some cases far from one another. Tour de la Bourse is all by itself and PVM is far from CIBC and in between the building are pretty stumpy or small. Complexe Desjardins too is far from the "big 5". Plus we have lots of squares and green spaces separating everything mixed in with heritage buildings like Windsor Station, Le Windsor, and even churches. You are describing the downtown we already essentially have! Montreal's zoning is pretty limiting - north of R-L, good luck trying to build more than 60M, even next to 200M lots.
  14. Given the nature of their business, I do think that a new building that is in the planning stages is ultimately the best solution. They do need state-of-the art, and customized operations center. But as someone pointed out in previous threads, will the SRC want to pay top dollar rent that comes with a new building?
  15. Assuming the hotel component stays, I hope we can see an interesting brand: Andaz or Edition would be my top choices.
  16. I think we'll see TDC 2 rising sooner rather than later. YUL Tour 2 sales launch in February per La Presse.
  17. Next real estate cycle we will see these projects come back in one form or another…
  18. I totally disagree - the black column is what saves the building! Its proportions are off; it should be higher. But otherwise, I'm liking the way it looks overall. Now, Roccabella is another story: those side facades are horrendous.
  19. This is the block I'm most looking forward to seeing developed!
  20. Well, I don't think anyone here is for laissez-faire approach to things. But, at some point in the future, perhaps not in our lifetimes, the rather strict zoning regs based on the quaint idea that the buildings downtown have to mirror the curve of Mount Royal is going to hamper economic development. Montreal's economy would have to be robust and creating far more wealth but it's a real scenario. In the meantime, once we run out of 200M (empty) lots - which is soon, developers will have to take a new look at those built-up lots that are not maximizing their full buildable potential.
  21. That would certainly be another Tiffany organization for Deloitte Tower and great for CF; just about a home run! With Deloitte, Rio Tinto and TMX, this building should have been at least 40 stories.
  22. And sometimes very restrictive regulations and micro-managing stifles growth.
  23. That black column is everything! It really takes it to another level - looks very cool. Like life-size lego pieces upon close-up. This project is not bad at all!
  24. That's an incredible shot! At first glance as I scrolled quickly, I was like: "what city is that?" Very dense. Very urban. Don't forget huge cities like Sao Paolo don't look like Manhattan. Density doesn't only come in the form of 40-50 storey towers.
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