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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. I'm just happy there's no pre-fab on this tower a la Roccabella - and the height here will make up for the non-glacial glass.
  2. No need to be pessimistic - they are spending an additional 40MM on the renovations to merge the two brands. The end of 2017 did seem a little ambitious for the opening of the merged store given that the Four Season's Hotel won't even be open until 2018. I just hope the new(er) name isn't a hint that the OGILVY part will eventually be dropped in 10 years.... In my opinion, they should be keeping the OGILVY brand and identity front and center as it is far more iconic to Montreal than Holt's is - even Canada wide. As for the the current holt's building: ground floor + is likely to remain retail.
  3. With this type of news I hope that Monit rethinks and re-launches their Waldorf=Astoria project. That's one I really want to see built.
  4. I like that it's darker than the original renderings.
  5. If it mirrors the hotel's facade, taking inspiration from it, then I am very excited about it: that mid century, brutalist aesthetic is very interesting and chic.
  6. If they are privately owned buildings, who is going to do exactly what asap? Things will happen organically. It's up to the owners to invest in their properties. This is an area in transition.
  7. A). It's not 1950. B). I highly doubt that all the partners to this project - including the Quebec ones - deliberately made a adverts without French. C). Molson will be the whipping boy in a lot of the Francophone circles sensitive to this because you know, it's Molson and they're the Anglos - they must he behind it.
  8. Obviously, their intentions were honorable - otherwise they wouldn't have asked for the height-limit increase on Peel. Not sure why they have downgraded their office component so much after all, that they demand for office space in Montreal is anemic is no surprise. And either way, with the Smith + Gill designs or now with these small boxes, they still have to wait for anchor tenants. Moreover, even the established businesses downtown are going to want new, ultra-modern spaces as the older stock starts to hit 50-60 year old.
  9. I'm fine with this going back to the drawing board; an Avenue-type tower here would be amazing. Canderel, for all their experience, don't seem to grasp the mixed-use concept yet in Montreal: their Phillips Square Proposal from a few years ago was another dud. That too is a huge lot that should also be mixed use. And if anyone has forgotten, Hilton Hotels is missing flagship for downtown Montreal.... how about a hotel component?
  10. It is really deceitful to have bought a condo in TDC2 thinking it looked like a sleek, slender shard of ice and then to find out mid construction it looks the way it does in the new rendering. I buy real estate with its architecture in mind - talk about false advertising. As for the Peel office towers - that is one BIG change. I'm actually depressed about it. Why not have planned for a mixed use tower at 210 m instead? Will be a tragedy to waste such a strategic lot on a couple of 23 storey, totally forgettable buildings. Here's hoping they find NO tenants for it.
  11. I don't know why everyone seems to hate of the Sheraton... it's a high quality aesthetic that I find has aged well - especially the windows. My guess it the brown colour is a turn-off, but overall, I think it is standing the test of time. That said, I can see it being a tear-down in another 30 years as the available spots to build tall and dense dwindle; in a few more decades, this will not the the highest and best use for the site and its zoning allowance.
  12. Hopefully LV are going to build a free-standing store somewhere nearby. As for why there are no windows to the north and south in spite of the little chance of something getting built on either end and it being lot-line walls, well, it's quite simple: it's hotel layout 101. The hallways are running down the middle (north-south) and the rooms are stacked on each side facing outward (east and west) respectively. There is actually no need for windows there. The residences on the uppermost floors are a different story.
  13. Did he just not want to sell? Not enough money offered? What is the story with Wanda's?
  14. Nice. The hideous backside of Centre Bell getting hidden behind a glass tower.
  15. I had high hopes for this merged Ogilvy-Holts store but this decision makes me doubt this rebranding. The bagpiper is one of the great, unique and special things about Ogilvy's - the brand. What's the point of preserving the Ogilvy name then? Might as well just make it a Holt's. I agree: the people in charge of this rebranding clearly have no idea what they're doing. I'm hoping there is such a outcry that they reverse this decision.
  16. Love this project. Looking forward to seeing this one come to life... hopefully it is successful and it inspires other similar projects where we have Victorian town houses (that are worthy of preservation - not all are) still exist in the core.
  17. I do think the overhang on the east side looks strange.
  18. Please God, yes. First, the height: much need exactly in this location to break above all its neighbors. Second, it's glassy. Let's hope it stays glassy. 3) for the aforementioned reasons 1 and 2, it will hide the hideous row of buildings starting with Domtar and moving west, it will hide the awful south facade of the Caron Building, and it will take the spotlight away from the heavy, and way too stumpy Louis-Boheme.
  19. It's completely different. Also looks to be a couple of floors shorter. What does that mean for the tower -phase II - design?
  20. Originally, the base of Rocca 2 wasn't supposed to be elongated as it is… now, it is pretty small.
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