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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. There seems to be a default belief that skyscrapers or towers at least cannot live harmoniously amongst more historic buildings. Has anyone been to NYC or even London? Don't get me wrong, I'm a preservationist but in this case the new PdJ location is on the outskirt/border of Old Montreal.... and clearly, the land was cleared for a new building. I quite like 500 Place D'Armes - the black International Style tower fits the square in that all the buildings surrounding represent eras that are seminal in Montreal's history. It's one of my favorites from the 60's. I also think it makes a GREAT adaptive reuse and I could see it going condo at some point.
  2. They had a big formal press release formally listing all their partners in the project not long ago... they are planning a 46 -storey, 1MM square foot building. Seems like they want to polish their plans before they officially release the renderings.
  3. Amazing! The density! I think we're gonna have to ease-up on the twin towers tendance.
  4. Both Wanda's and the parking lot across the street are now in DIRE need of development. Clearly, de la Montagne is (finally) becoming Montreal's luxe shopping street and quality retail buildings are a must.
  5. Makes no sense. Plus this lot overlooks the autoroute and train lines. Allowing some height here is a no brainer.
  6. Looks great!!
  7. if they've submitted plans for approval or even started talks with planning department, then for sure the city will mark the site with a projet en cours. Plus it's a rental if I'm not mistaken.
  8. This part of town is going to have a table-top skyline.
  9. They really just need to turn it into a giant glass box at this point.
  10. So good to see some density being added to this east side downtown; it's going to make the square in front of it feel much cozier.
  11. Meh. It's filler. Tough lot to begin with; narrow street. Adds to the density.
  12. That looks like fun reading. Going to get to that later.... For sure Place Bonaventure had a wow factor in those days; that brutalist look was super chic. (Still is with the test of time but in PB case, the lack of windows given the change of vocation of the building - from trade mart to more conventional office building - made it obsolete).
  13. That CN/Central Station mega block is going to need a major redevelopment masterplan as some point in the future.
  14. This is not uncommon. It's tandem parking. No different if you have a long driveway and one car is in front on another: someone has to move at some point.
  15. Regardless, my hope is these plans sit and sit and sit, and there are no takers to rent them. With Brocco adding about 300K SF of commercial at VSLP, let's see how successful CF can be at leasing Quad.
  16. Montreal is also slowly but surely running out of lots that you can build with any height over 100 meters. This development would be a total waste of a CBD plot where density should be paramount.
  17. Finally de la Montagne is actually turning into a luxe shopping street - at least aesthetically. This change/ new building is retail friendly and it widens the sidewalk to improve the pedestrian experience. What existed before had zero heritage value and it was hideous. This now looks like a proper luxury retailer. Bravo. There are a couple of more storefronts on de la Montagne that could use the same redo.
  18. I think the base looks clunky - too busy. Not as elegant as it could/should be.
  19. Doesn't TD also have their Quebec HQ in the same complex?
  20. Good. One less stump that they had some back-room assistant design on a cocktail napkin; this is one lot that I'd rather sit vacant for the right project to come along.
  21. So sad to see this demolished. And crickets from Heritage Montreal. Amazing.
  22. Not a very elegant looking massing. Also, the location would have to be the mega block of Central station or south of Place Bonaventure. Even south of Le 1000.
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