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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. There is an ad for it in the AC inflight magazine Enroute this month - and it's advertised at 60 floors.
  2. Do we know what this is going to be? Sixty Hotels backed out. Still a hotel?
  3. From the north east, a big gap between Place Victoria and Place Maisonneuve; Westcliff's lot needs a 180-200M tower. I'm surprised they haven't sold it given the profit they could make just for holding on to it so long; not to mention, office towers aren't their sweet spot anyway.
  4. The red panels will be completed for the holiday season... just in time.
  5. The brutalist concrete is not ugly in and of itself; it's the fact that there is no rhyme or consistency with the windows they are installing. Honestly, a glass cube won't age well either. A new envelope / skin far more creative is needed.
  6. I saw this in person this past weekend.... it's NOT bad at all. Le Petersen is the big disgrace.
  7. It's going to obstruct the view of CIBC and Sun Life... and a sliver of Le 1000 from the angle in the pic.
  8. Once the "Domtar" hotel rises, this view is going to look pretty wild in terms of density.
  9. It could just be for the rendering. You know how they just add or omit things of the streetscape in these things to highlight certain elements. That said, there should be secondary entrances on the Boul R-B side for sure. It needs to interact with the boulevard in the form of a plaza with trees and perhaps art. This could evolve. Also, buildings of this vocation, scale, and importance often have small motor courts or drop off areas/driveway (i.e.: PVM). I'm surprised there isn't one being planned given the amount of excess land to play with.
  10. I think this rendering is a little weird because it's main intention is to show the interiors - that is, it's trying to be transparent to show how the inside will eb designed. It's going to look a lot more sleek in reality. It's pretty on trend wit the play on volumes, the curvy elements at the base, and the transparent crown/garden.
  11. Really love the street level look with the recreated heritage building; adds warmth to streetscape for sure.
  12. BNC has already said they are going to the near max height allowed - stated 200M - and the the diagrams submitted to planning already show 200M. As we all know, floor count and building heights are varied: sometimes 35 storeys buildings reach 200M. It's all in the design. With the banking hall/base and the crown with garden, it is very possible to reach 200M or even 210M.
  13. These renderings don't do this design justice...
  14. Definitely two of the better designed projects to go up in the last round of development. Overall, I have to say Montreal has a sophisticated composition in terms of its skyline - those towers that actually make a mark.
  15. There was an opportunity recently for RBC to seek new offices but they opened to stay at PVM for better or worse; it's not really an HQ anymore even though they certainly held off the longest from making a move to Toronto official. CF couldn't get them to sign on the Quad at 750 Peel, I guess... ? I've always felt that Desjardins could build (or work with Canderel) to get a new tower built on the TdQS site and connect it/make it a part of Complex Desjardins. BMO has been on Place d'Armes forever. In one respect, you'd think that by this point in the 21st Century, they'd want newer offices but I can understand their desire to stay put. It's not a HQ anymore so the amount of space they need is arguably covered at the current location. Forget CIBC. TD had new offices at CCE. Scotia: the building may be 30 years old but the post-modern stuff built in Montreal around that time is holding up VERY well. These buildings still look new to me.
  16. My two cents: the site could be the parking garage behind Centre Sheraton and the stretch of the block on Stanley (that share the alley with Le Drummond); you can create a large L-shaped lot. It's a great location in a pretty historic part of downtown.
  17. Love this shot! Wanna see the same pic when TDC2 is complete.
  18. Renderings aside, I think their marketing is a little further flawed.... they shouldn't be branding the building Centra Condos. It should be called 1000 de la Montagne - that address ought to get to top billing. Isn't Centra the brand of the builder?
  19. I actually think it looks better than the rendering.
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