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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. I do like that this part of the island is getting denser as these former light-industrial neighborhoods go residential and commercial. There are huge residential projects planned or being built all around there - including Le Triangle - and I'd much rather have a mall like this in the center of the island of Montreal rather than Laval or the South Shore.
  2. I know many want it to be Quad Windsor/ 750 peel in the previous design but I truly believe that Square Vic is the best and most prestigious lot for a banking tower.
  3. The only reason BMO would want a new office building is because they need more modern work spaces - all of their competitors are certainly in newer buildings. Image less so. Don't forget for years they were been trying to cover up the Montreal part of their brand (especially in the days of political instability) and it's now the bank goes by BMO more than Bank of Montreal.
  4. It's a Holiday Inn... not like it's on PVM and up high on the 38th floor. And it's really just a grand opening banner that they kept on for an extended period. Don't forget this was a no-mans land not long ago and not many people were accustomed to going to businesses here. Plus it's gonna disappear soon.
  5. Tiny units... of course, a buyer can always combine units. No 3 bedrooms....
  6. Mediocrity. What Montreal does best. The Lune Rouge project was incredible and would have breathed new life into the block and Maison Alcan.
  7. And what a drop-off in height from R-L Blvd to the mid-block. ?
  8. Damn. The density in this sector is going to be intense! I love it. I wish there were more locations where this could happen. CN/Central Station is the only other mega block with potential in the future.
  9. I am super skeptical here. Another big bank building?? I'm not going to hold my breath. For me, BNC's new HQ is already the greatest news in Montreal development in generations/decades. It could only be BMO in my mind. They are literally the only big bank still in the old financial district - except for when they had executive offices in CIL House during the 1960's; they are the only ones with the oldest bank offices in town. I know people want it to be CF getting BMO at 750 Peel, Square Victoria is the best site in town (vacant) that is worthy of a bank HQ for several reasons.
  10. Wow. That SAQ looks so low-end from the outside. They couldn't come up with a nicer awning or something to suggest that it's a premium liquor store. Yikes. Chateau D'ivoire: gonna be gorgeous. Just what the street needs to turn it into a luxe shopping artery; I hope others take note.
  11. YES! I couldn't agree more!! I thought I was the only one who thought the green windows of Ogilvy's were horrible and totally wrong for the building; windows are so fundamental to the historic preservation of a building and these green replacements should never been allowed; they completely change the buildings look. I've been hoping they get replaced again with replicas of the original casement-style windows that once graced the department store.
  12. One of the earlier concepts/designs, had the new hotel complex extended to include a penthouse above Ogilvy; I agree, they should have kept that element. It would have harmonized or integrated the new and old better.
  13. I'll say it again: the tower portion is great, the base is the clunkiest thing I have ever seen.
  14. A game-changer for the skyline. And it's a bank tower! ☺️☺️
  15. After the Icone mess and the Roccabella ugliness, I rather prefer something simple and elegant.
  16. It's unfortunate that once again, there is an entrance to a parking garage on de la Montagne... ideally this could have been on de Maisonneuve.
  17. It's also a rental building... no need for extravagance.
  18. Whoa! What a transformation.
  19. Looks very elegant so far.... it's pretty common for high-end/luxury buildings to have their main resident's entrances with private carports on a side street. It's more private.
  20. Agree with you 100%. The base is heavy and too busy. Not refined at all. The tower itself is going to be stunning.
  21. I really love this b&w shot... I thought it was Hell's Kitchen in NYC for a quick second. That glassy hotel/apt combo going up on the Domtar park site will complete this viewpoint really nicely.
  22. Some retail along the street level would change that! Considering this is basically the entrance to Central Station, you'd think it would work well.
  23. I actually quite prefer this hotel in that location than the current office building. Not as tall, but the volume is better - fills the whole lot and it is turned towards the square, allowing so much activation at the street level with the retail units. La Laurentienne turns its back to the city below de la Gauchetiere and of course, kills street life along Peel.
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