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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. The bay is a stunning building and if anything, would make great creative office space or apartments. The smaller square building (the original Morgans) is ideal for retail of course as it's on Ste Catherine Street. I have always found it amazing that The Bay has completely let this flagship store rot; but unless the Bay disappears from the retail landscape completely in Canada, would they really leave downtown Montreal without a store? I guess it's possible.
  2. In an ideal world, this lot is combined with those fronting R-L Blvd for a proper assemblage and thus a major mixed use project with an office component and apartment on the upper level. Sadly we are going to be stuck with buildings on R-L Blvd that are really tear-downs: not sure it'll make much economic sense to replace them given the zoning (i.e.: FAR). That said, a nearly 200M tower east of PVM is very very welcome and it'll have a huge impact.
  3. Reminds me and has the feel of Houston Street in NYC. Specially the Lower East Side.
  4. I think the concept was better than the reality - it's high concept/avant-garde that kinda failed. Initially I thought it looked great. Now, I'm not loving the look.
  5. My God. What a mess. A real massacre. Where's Dinu here? LOL
  6. I never understood - still don't get - the design of the Westin (old Gazette); an in cohesive look, clunky, and just plain ugly.
  7. More pre-fab than windows. Going to look like a bunker.
  8. I couldn't agree more! There is really no cogent reason for it not to be: rail tracks, delivery ramps, no low-rise residential neighborhood to protect, lower vis-a-vis Mont Royal... I'm conflicted, these buildings add charm to the area and certainly could be developed creatively (facades or whatever) into a taller structure. The Canadian Govt' building is a beautiful, if short building.
  9. This is a block that I wish would get up-zoned to at least 150 meters.
  10. L'Avenue actually stands out from this angle and this distance!
  11. Totally made--up word. That can be pronounced in French quite nicely.
  12. Surprised to see them use balconies like this!
  13. Given the funky shape of the lot, do we know what the back of the building looks like??
  14. At some point in the future, as we run out of 200M-zoned lots, the city will have to reexamine the zoning as it will become a business development issue. Either increase the FAR ratio on smaller lots and/or allow more lots to be designated 200M. There are a few existing buildings on 200m lots that are tear-downs.
  15. This one was the best - most exciting and fresh. I believe JLP Architects.
  16. I'm pretty happy with the chosen one. Big, monolithic. A little conservative, but it's a Canadian bank: pretty par for the course. It's going to make a huge impact on the skyline.
  17. Let's study it a 3km natural extension for 5 million bucks - can we just dust off one of the other previous studies and get to it?
  18. What I expected. Hard to really judge it though: details are everything.
  19. 🤣🤣 This has to be one of the worst renderings of anything I've ever seen... in addition the the the rock climbing wall and water slide, they should have added something from the airport people can relate to/a point of reference.
  20. The views onto Mt Royal from the upper floors of the north side are going to be stunning and will command a premium. In many ways, this is one of the best situated luxury condos projects: Sherbrooke and Peel (heart of the GSM) with pretty unobstructed views from the high floors of city and mountain.
  21. Let's just say Le Drummond and Le Centre Sheraton are both lackluster architecturally and aesthetically.
  22. Clearly occupancy rates and RevPar (revenue per available room) are indicating to developers that there is a need for more hotel rooms. Also, Montreal seems to be a unique hospitality market where smaller boutique/lifestyle properties tend to be more popular and do well - they are the types of properties that also generate the higher room rates. Montreal saw a lot of older hotels close over the last few years and newer filling to void (e.g.: AC, Holiday Inn) so there may have been a net loss/gain. Montreal remains a very popular destination and a hotel on Phillips Square is a no brainer location-wise. Plus less than 200 rooms is not going to flood the market.
  23. I'll take an EDITION Hotel! The luxury hotel sector now limits room count to 150-200 max for new hotels unless it's a convention center hotel.
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