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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. Going to be up to the city to push for good architecture and design here.... and if it involves upping the height limit to make the numbers work, then all should be considered. This is one of the most delicate spots to develop in the downtown core given the look of the square. Certainly they height allowable should be at least that of the Dominion Square Building.
  2. Add south of Place Bonaventure. But that's mostly it. And certainly not all of these are 200M.
  3. Still bad. And it's buddy next door -though it's slightly better looking given the lack of blind walls.
  4. I like them. And I like the white panels... obviously meant to create a checkerboard with the balconies in a inventive way. You can't say it's not original. From afar, YUL stands out in the skyline too even though only 120 meters.
  5. Hardly. It's actually pretty basic capitalism in a society that is pretty regulation based, especially when it comes to the economy. The density and height allowable in Montreal is also pretty regulated too - limiting to the profitability of the development in question. The city is growing and expanding and needs to densify.
  6. YUL 1 & II really stand apart... very unique look within the skyline.
  7. This should be made a proper street again (it's basically an alleyway now) OR they should build a giant glass atrium down the whole axis and create a grand entrance to Gare Central; basically lose the street.
  8. Wow. That's not very many parking stalls for such a massive structure! Any redevelopment here has got to open-up Gare Centrale and Belmont Street or at the very least, create a new Hall for Gare Centrale from de la Gauchetiere. Something. Just keeping this parking garage and building on top is lazy. I would hope that the city planning department and other voices would ask for/require better design and functionality for such a centerpiece of mass transit in downtown.
  9. Because the Montreal economy declined, stalled, was left in the dust, for 30 years... the business district shifted and consolidated between PVM and McGill University during that time. And now with empty lots being built on, the CBD expanding southward again (Deloitte, BNC), condo towers sprouting everywhere, and mass transit now in expansion mode (REM), its value is now obvious.
  10. I think we're going to start to see it more often as the empty surface lots disappear.
  11. Of that whole 1950's CN complex, the CN Building is actually the best. The Queen E is ugly. Terminal Tower is ugly, the original ICAO isn't great and the smaller office building on R-B and de la Gauchetiere is also ugly.
  12. Defiantly needs a cleaning. The grills need replacing as they are damaged in some places - looks awful.
  13. I do love the set-back on the shorter tower and how they are incorporating the remaining stone wall. Well done there.
  14. A loss for sure... we don't have a lot of red sandstone buildings in Montreal and this was arguably one of the largest and best.
  15. That it will activate the street and that corner is what I like best.
  16. My god, build this. I thought it was NY for a second. But I see the Toronto in it too.... fine with me.
  17. internationalx

    Montreal's Future Skyline

    Hopefully we get a 200M on Square Victoria one day.
  18. Do we know if the structure will be steel or concrete like Deloitte?
  19. And too bad English isn't a foreign language in Montreal or Quebec. Not sure how the gov't would enforce that.... micro-chips that electrocute people who say it. LOL.
  20. I'm glad that at least there is some degree of ambition height-wise here. The skyscraper is back in style in Montreal and developers are certainly being influenced by what they are seeing. That said, this mega-block needs a proper master-plan: Belmont street needs to be turned back into a street and no longer treated like a back alley, with a proper entrance to Central Station. And let's face it, some of the existing buildings on the block are future re-development sites... maybe not for another 25 years or so, but they will be.
  21. It's a gimmick and looks cute on a map/diagram.... but linking the two north ends of the orange line isn't necessary. Adding a few more stations in Laval, up to Carrefour Laval would be money much better spent.
  22. I believe 1 more townhouse is supposed to be built there.
  23. The skyscraper clearly is back in style in Montreal!
  24. We also got Deloitte and Manuvie in this past boom.... but it's true that BNC is the only "skyscraper".
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