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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. For sure the demand/market for office space downtown - any downtown - is next to nil. But this is also an opportunity to reinvent what offices look like.... it would be too bad if CF just built residential here. I'm hoping they just move ahead with the hotel/resi portion (hello, Hilton? We need a Hilton flagship; next the the Bell Centre it's a no-brainer) and save the lot for office. They can also get started on the triple tower plan on lower Peel if they want to continue with residential.
  2. There's actually very little pre-fab once you get a few of storeys above the podium... it's mostly windows.
  3. Honestly, if it's in a red brick, it's not terrible. It's helps disguise the uglier/cheaper-looking Drummond 1 and 2.
  4. I think the timing may work out well: the new HQ is not slated to be inaugurated until 2022 and by then, even this work- from-home trend may have moderated by then. Many companies are starting to understand that there are limits to the efficiencies and effectiveness of having people work from home all the time.
  5. 15 Central Park West, another Stern creation however, is entirely in limestone. It was known as "Limestone Jesus" because of the quality and it was/is so sought-after an address.
  6. I think we forget that BMO built their Place d'Armes addition in 1959-60 right around the time that PVM was getting built and Royal was making the move there. To be closer to the new center of the action, BMO was the partner in CIL HOUSE and they did move executive offices to Dorchester and University in those days. Olympia and York built FCP in Toronto... not sure if BMO was the financial partner or not, even though they were the anchor tenant and it was named for them.
  7. That first pic... stunning facade and gorgeous materials. Too bad they added that awkward penthouse level in later years to these smaller pavilions - ruins their elegance. I'm still not a fan of the glass reclad of 5 PVM, though I understand that it needed to be done.
  8. Thank god, this huge parcel, zoned for the max height and density is getting this kind of development.
  9. Place Victoria is really breathtaking... all these years later what an elegant and timeless building. Truly.
  10. Those protruding balconies are a negative for me too. But the finishing in limestone thus far has me very excited! It looks really elegant; very worthy of the location.
  11. As long as there's more glass and less pre-fab, it'll be fine. Expect developer architecture. But developer architecture isn't always awful: see TDC 2, 3, Tour Deliotte etc.
  12. Such a flawed street level: the retail units accessed by steps and the sidewalk lined with a wall is a TERRIBLE design. Any small business is going to have trouble here.
  13. It's not finished yet and I really like it. So refreshing here. I'm liking the colour of the glass. The Duke Investment Co. building could have been better integrated with a setback or something but that's my only negative issue.
  14. I recall the original masterplan for CCE had buildings built over the tracks at Lucien L'Allier. I'm sure the owner of tracks can decide to JV with someone to build or build themselves.
  15. Wouldn't it be the whole block with air rights over the tracks?
  16. The lot isn't very large so it's unlikely they could build up to 200 m given the density co-efficient.
  17. Well, a lot of people, including at City Hall, love the 3 storey buildings because they are "human scale." 😜
  18. It's going to look a bit ridiculous.
  19. Great at building it but terrible maintaining it.
  20. It's nice but it misses the mark for me.
  21. Except no one pays a huge price for land without already having underwritten a rough version of their project (i.e.: what they can build based on the existing zoning ). It's always possible they will ask for a zoning change but given how illiberal Montreal is with this sort of thing, I doubt it. Plus in this location, a built-up neighborhood with lots of heritage, Golden Square Mile, etc.. I wouldn't hold my breath; the NIMBY's would be out in full force.
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