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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. Bury it. One of the arguments for not going underground is that the "towers" on R-L will be structurally jeopardized. Is this a joke? 1) the buildings on this stretch of R-L are barely towers. Most are low-rise and almost obsolete. Other than Complex Desjardins Tour 1, there are not skyscrapers here and even that one a marginally a skyscraper. 2) As far as I know, other cities are currently building subways underneath boulevards with actual towers lining them.
  2. The block is zoned 65 metres in an otherwise 120m zone. The derogation is worthwhile especially considering the Brutalist portion is not very well loved nor does it add anything to the historic Morgan's complex; it was a stylish add-on at the time (1966) but doesn't do anything for the streetcape along that stretch of de Maisonneuve. The office proposal, IMHO, greatly enhances the historic Bay building and will activate the street much better. Not to mention, that section of de Maisonneuve is pretty bleak. The addition will "fit" very well into the fabric and it's a unique silhouette is a nice change from the boxy things we get everywhere else. I have no problem with "spot" derogations when the projects make sense.
  3. Not sure about #10 - how buildable that it. Please tell me #4 has a 200m limit.
  4. Not very many windows on that west facade! It's almost a blind wall. That mini-mall in the foreground should go...
  5. Hopefully somebody has the moxy to entice Marriott and Ian Schrager to do an EDITION in Montreal. de la Montagne south of Ste-Cath is a perfect location.
  6. R-L isn't the only street poorly conveived as far as buildings go. McGill College also just has only grandiose corporate entrances and virally no retail activate the street; it also would have been an ideal street to have a hotel on. Again, poorly planned IMHO. De Maisonneuve also has some of these issues but has more retail mixed in.
  7. Too bad Enticy isn't / can't be 150m... the height variation in the area would be welcome and those upper floors would have been great for the developer $$$.
  8. Well, Banque Nationale's budget more like it. They did want a showpiece for Montreal.
  9. Looks like the final phase of Jardins Windsor is nearing completion.
  10. Don't worry, developers are circling. Deals take time. Assemblages take even longer. Then building plans have to be made.
  11. That is refreshing! This is the best quality curtain-wall on this side of town.
  12. Stand in the actual Square.... 628 will always have a good presence.
  13. If the design tappers at the top with, for example, terraced set-backs, I could see a derogation very worthwhile.
  14. The view from Circuit Gilles Villeneuve.... that gets broadcast around the world.
  15. Well, it's a street in transition to luxury. Rome wasn't built overnight. The pandemic threw a wrench in the trajectory. But getting the lot across the street developed is going to be a game-changer. Wandas can easily be fixed-up/re-built into a boutique/resto space.
  16. Maybe they will? We still have no idea what they are proposing other than the mixed-use.
  17. I don't mind 65 meters - the de la Montagne is very narrow. But if there is one place where quality of materials matters, it's here! This will become a major luxury retail corner/ space so some sort of stone would be best.
  18. I am totally fine with waiting on CF to see if 1) they can get increased density for the site or 2) the post-pandemic boom is so phenomenal that they up the game in terms of scope and design of the project.
  19. I get the impression that the public thinks - thanks largely to the completely irresponsible media- that downtown is already a free-for-all with heights up to 200 metres and that developers can already build towers anywhere they want. Case in point, the article in La Gazette today re: Chinatown. They just injected Denis Coderre's plan to increase heights into the piece about preserving Chinatown. It's completely irrelevant to the discussion as Chinatown is already maxed at 35 or 65 metres (someone please confirm) and heights to surpass Mont Royal wouldn't be increased in that specific area - let alone increased at all. As we all know, the 1992 urban plan already severely limits where you can build 200 metres. The core of the city is currently being built-out - maxed-out even- according to this design. For continued growth, we are going to have to revise and re-imagine said urban plan regardless of the 200m argument.
  20. Agreed. Cima or as I remember it, AT&T building, is a leftover design from a suburban industrial park that was thoughtlessly plopped down in that location when it was a blighted area hemmed-in by the expressway.
  21. Why on earth would they use the CIMA building as inspiration? I'm not convinced.
  22. Needs a reclad. There are like 20 different qualities/colours of glass.
  23. What the hell?! I thought they were preserving this facade???
  24. Since it is not on the lot-line, the opportunity to install full-size windows is there. Plus, opening-up the ground floor with windows too - if possible.
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