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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. If downtown businesses can't survive with a built-in/established residential population plus office towers (that will come back to life at some point), plus the student life at universities, then that's a problem on its own. Downtown must be a destination, yes, but it should also be a self-sustaining retail environment. Also, making downtown less attractive to people with cars isn't going to help businesses either. I get where the city wants to go with its "ecological revolution" and all but according the the stats, the population is still car-addicted and cars are going to be a factor of life for a while longer.
  2. GREAT shot. Love this vantage. More please.
  3. A grand theatre in its day, this facade however, certainly did nothing to animate/activate the street.
  4. It's a top notch building in terms of quality. An A++ post-modern design. It has always looked a little lost in its location/contextual environment. Obviously, it's missing phase 2, but had this building on its own been built to fill its own small city block, it might be more appreciated.
  5. This is one spot that I think an 80m limit is just fine. It's really sandwiched between Dominion Square Bldg and The Windsor... 80m is a good limit to work with. I'm more concerned about the architecture and especially the materials here!!
  6. This may have been said already but they should have conceived a 140m tower and when the OCPM blew their lids, it could have been negotiated down to the "Montreal Standard" of 120m.
  7. 120m? Lord. This should/could be a 150m or 170m.
  8. Really a shame they didn't ask for a 15m derogation to go to 215m, with a slightly smaller floor plate, while still being within the Mount Royal height limit.
  9. I think PVM was the undisputed icon of Montreal from 1962 through the late 1970s Canada-wide and until the late 90's from a Montrealers perspective; recall too that PVM was pretty extraordinary when it was first built and even first proposed/under construction. It was a 'wow' building of the Int'l Style. I find in the last 20 years, Le 1000 has taken the crown but even Le 1000 isn't famous as PVM was when it was new.
  10. I don't hate the black, blind wall. Sucks for the residents of Enitcy.
  11. I think the way the tower is positioned allowed the maisonnettes to not only look appropriate in their place but also to enhance their presence. This is the kind of urban vignette that gives Montreal that charm. True, these aren't the best quality to begin with but hopefully they can be polished-up a bit.
  12. And much needed in this part of downtown!
  13. Just add a 200m tower where the YWCA is. 💯
  14. The base suggests that there are underground considerations (tunnels) informing the structure.
  15. Hmm. Seems like the planning department and city are dealing with some contradictory zoning concepts: the land that is zoned 200m w/ an FAR of 12 (sites that are very limited generally) are now in view corridors. Same with the Ave Canadiens-de-Montreal / Anglican church project. Suddenly view corridors are a thing.
  16. Was just thinking the same thing... at least it's not part of the 120m fence club? 🤷‍♂️
  17. This facade looks like a polished version of Telus/ CIL from this angle. Very mid century modern.
  18. If the lot had a 120m or something really wild like a 140m limit, it might be interesting to a developer but it's probably just worth it to keep it a parking garage. They could re-clad the whole thing of course....
  19. It actually looks good now that the Maestria towers are rising. A nice urban block. Maestria is black, the beauty in question is white; has a nice poetry to it.
  20. Also, the church is looking to monetize its land and has sought-out this type of development. It's not just about "oh, let's just build this on an empty lot somewhere else."
  21. For me, the church stands out even more with this now-scuttled project. Fantastic complimentary contrast.
  22. Well, look at it this way, no other city is doing this so it's unique.
  23. Wow. It really stands-out. Like hits you in the face....hard. We have a new eyesore.
  24. OMG. I just read that piece in La Presse. Too funny. Ridiculous concerns. From Sherbrooke and Guy, you're barely going to see this new building behind Medical Arts. Not to mention it's quite a distance from Sherbrooke street itself given the motor court and the smaller buildings designed to complete the street wall. 25-storeys (residential) is not a gratte-ciel either.
  25. That grey siding on Icone Tour 1 really kills the whole look of the tower from this view. Brutal.
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