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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. Wow. What a comparison. Imagine how charming it would be today had more of the Victorian era been preserved?
  2. This could all be avoided is the masterplan didn't have so much disharmony: how it goes from 200m to 65 or 120 to 65 from block to block, for example. In this case, this stretch of de Maisonneuve should have a blanket 120M regardless of what is existing.
  3. And that The Bay couldn't possibly disappear (demo, destroyed) and that it would be there forever and ever and ever. In addition, isn't 2020 University, err, Boul R-B, 25 floors... literally in the sight line of Mount Royal?
  4. This is hilarious. The anti-height and even anti-density sentiment from the OCPM is really showing.
  5. I agree, this west facade with its stair-stepped cantilever looks cool as hell. Not something you see everyday. I think Montreal very much already has its own unique urban vernacular. Sure, some neighborhoods are reminiscent of Europe and some old US cities in the Northeast, but Montreal developed a mid-tier, inner-city density that certainly most N-A cities don't have at all. And no other Canadian cities have - but dream of.
  6. She went to Westmount High School. Selwyn House is all-boys. My alma mater.
  7. I love the location of BCN. It really stands out and it represents a seminal period in Montreal's history: the booming sixties that brought with it, Montreal's international allure. On Place d'Armes, it couldn't be more poetic, if you will. Symbolic for sure.
  8. It definitely deserves to be replaced at some point. I believe it pre-dates the Eaton Center and is from the Les Terraces era. But, if I'm not mistaken, the zoning is like 65m or 80m for this site - not even 120m.
  9. My bad, was referring to BNC and Bell Telephone Building.
  10. The perfect example of how shorter, fatter towers can completely overpower heritage buildings, box them in, and offer poor contrast between the two. Taller and slender often does a better job at that. As does the color of the exterior cladding.
  11. It's nice and certainly better than a lot of the other towers rising but it just doesn't do it for me. The renderings were better than the reality. It's a very Post-Modern design, heavy looking in top from the rear for sure, the black pre-fab looks cheap. Only the front facade gives it that Neo-Deco look. I know this opinion isn't popular.
  12. I don't mind the heights proposed here. Most important in this location is quality of finishes and design. As well as street level activation - but that should be obvious to the developers as this is the emerging luxe street in Montreal. De la Montagne is a super narrow street so a 30 storey building is not ideal. However, one with deep set-backs could be fine.
  13. Although I hate how stubby they are, the twins of Place Maisonneuve have aged very well aesthetically. That late 70's futurism is standing the test of time. They are quality buildings with quality cladding.
  14. I find that SAP building now looks so out of place architecturally.... designed for the side of a freeway or highway. It belongs along the T-Can in the West Island.
  15. This respected the Victorians much better; doesn't squash them. If they thought this was "Dubai-esque," they haven't been to Dubai. I find the tower echoes 1250 R-L.
  16. Maybe not. But remodel the exterior? No one will argue that the place is historic but current look?!
  17. Wow. Both towers are really going to have an impact here!
  18. Wow. Great shot. The composition! Wait till BNC reached full height!!
  19. We were just lucky that the Ville-Marie Expressway ended-up being a tunnel and trench - a trench being moderately easier to deal with now even though it did scar the urban fabric and we lost countless (really good) buildings and homes.
  20. Too bad the REM de l'Est couldn't terminate at Gare Viger.
  21. It's not so bad. Enticy will be glass and preserves the Victorians (façadism), Concordia Arts Bldg will disappear at some point so we don't know what's going there... YWCA will get a 200m (hopefully) replacement, and on the south side we have the "Brivia Collection," including Quizecent. It's a pretty interesting urban form.
  22. Also, what does the PVM/R-B terminus look like? Presumably this is going to be an above ground station because the line is above ground. In front of Tour Telus? PVM? In the middle of R-L? Yikes. Gotta love that they haven't shown us renderings of that yet.
  23. This sector of the downtown core (roughly bounded by Sherbrooke, Peel, de Maisonneuve, de Bleury) was conceived to have the mid-tier density (i.e.: 120M). I don't know why this is so controversial among theses heritage intellectuals. And KPMG is notably taller, as is McGill College Tower. And yes, if the private sector can't get a return on investment, heritage buildings will suffer a worse fate than having to be adapted for comtemporary projects/ usage.
  24. If these are the examples the CDPInfa is citing, they need to try harder; these are all terrible:
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