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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. Gives major BCN vibes (from 3 sides anyways).
  2. The street wall on Sherbrooke will look nice once that gash is filled-in but the east facade of The Medical-Arts Bldg is still pretty awful.
  3. That twisting detail on BNC looks cool. It also plays off the diagonal detail of VslP.
  4. And they aren't even using all their air rights to built up to 120m which would allow for better views = $$$
  5. Not with those cheap-looking black pre-fab panels at the top.
  6. My god, you would think this was the #1 issue for Montrealers. But someone should tell her that 200 m towers already do hide Mount Royal.
  7. Can you do one of your famous sketches with a 200 m tower at the YWCA site? 😜
  8. See Chicago, John Hancock Center, 1969. It wasn't uncommon to do mixed-use complexes in the 1960's even though they were typically separate buildings e.g.: Westmount Square. They did end up adding Le Grand Hotel (EVO) in the 1970's... could have completed the complex as originally conceived with half hotel, half office.
  9. The twin version was the best. Too bad no one thought about building it as a mixed-use tower in 3 parts: lower cube is office, middle is hotel, upper is residential.
  10. I'm generally fine with a 200m limit or, on lower elevations slightly higher as long as the buildings don't go higher than Mt. Royal. That said, I'm not in favor of how limited the number of 200m lots are; it's very select and we're running out of them. I think there is a fear that just because a lot has a 200m max, a developer is necessarily going to build that tall - that assumption is flawed. I would be in favor of making the CN/Gare Centrale mega block the only area with a higher limit, say 250. One building super tall (for Montreal) building won't take away from Mt Royal at all. Especially if it's a la Empire State Building: a true icon that will stand apart and be a symbol in its own right.
  11. Dominates is perhaps a little strong. I just think it would be much better proportioned with an additional 5 or so floors; the upper portion just looks like it wants to taller. And in a neighborhood that has so much pre-fab and concrete, I think slightly taller would have gone a long way. That said, this is my favorite of the smaller developments.
  12. Gorgeous detailing - that north facade is really looking good.
  13. I love this little project but it's missing about 5 extra floors. 😏
  14. Take a look at any fully-built city block where buildings are built right next to each other, glued to each other. Each one has been built to their respective lot line.
  15. So dumb not to build the podium to the lot-line to meet an already existing lot-line blind wall. It's city-building 101.
  16. They probably decided to lose that detail - costs too much. Humaniti also lost its crooked entrance columns.
  17. Too bad no developer or architect working for a developer thought about a non-flat roof. Even a slightly tapered silhouette at 120m would have added some diversity.
  18. PVM? Literally one of the fattest almost-skyscrapers around - it's not even 200m. BNC will be a beast and it will be glorious.
  19. My comment was a more general one with 20-20 hindsight (and somewhat facetious): all department stores overbuilt and over-expanded into suburban locations and effectively killed their respective flagships. By the late 1990's when downtowns started to become lively and fashionable again, the model was on life-support; not to mention so many flagship stores had been neglected - The Bay on Phillps Square being an example. On-line shopping is now going to kill the department store for good unless the surviving ones can go back to their roots and create exciting destinations/experiences at downtown stores.
  20. Wow. Great shot. I've seen many photos of this area but never of this parking structure. It reminds me of the parking structure that used to be on de la Montagne at de Maisonneuve. Instead of building this, they probably should not have built Bay stores in every suburban mall, effectively cannibalizing downtown flagships.
  21. The architectural composition in that first shot is fantastic!
  22. The city will do the same thing when they have to fix a pipe or some other underground infrastructure. Even Montreal's beautiful work gets patchy by their own public works dept.
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