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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. I think the location of the current YWCA on R-L has a 200m height limit.
  2. I don't see those floor plates matching the renderings... unless it's going to be super subtle, hence a total let-down.
  3. And by that time all that will be left are lots zoned for 60m. 🙄🤣
  4. Deceiving. It looked like an all-glass tower in the rendering. But not surprising given who is developing. That said, it's better than the others in the project. Westmount Square 2.0 it is not!
  5. Is he considered a God? He did some great and grand things but he was an autocrat. I don't think he's missed even though his time is romanticized.
  6. I firmly believe the department store is still very relevant and will continue to survive simply by going back to what they used to be: flagship destinations in major downtown locations. It's only beginning in the 1950's that department stores started to cannibalize their own businesses by expanding to every suburban mall getting built. Much like downtowns themselves, department stores need to become those destinations again. Too many malls too many department stores. Now, as for The Bay on Philips Square, the HQ is Toronto has ignored this property for so long it's a real shame. Hopefully, this is about to change.
  7. We're quickly running out of land with high-density zoning... it won't be that long.
  8. You can build like ICAO: if you combine the two lots, you build a podium the covers the whole thing and a tower on the south side.
  9. Square Victoria lot is owned by Westcliff.
  10. We just need a 200m sliver to go up on Square Victoria and then of course, the BeG site.
  11. Love that last shot: so nice to see a cluster of towers (and more to come) on this side of downtown. Looking good!
  12. When you look at the zoning map, The Bay has a carve-out in an otherwise 120m zone. It looked arbitrary to begin with, though I understand the thinking (circa 1992) that it's a heritage building. If I'm not mistaken, the lot at 1001 Ave-des-Canadiens is zoned for 200m. So by-right, you can built the max height given.
  13. This one even funnier: Fischler also expressed concern about highrise development in the downtown core, including a 61-storey condo tower in Phillips Square, which faces the Bay. “I don’t think we need such tall buildings in these locations,” he said.
  14. Sounds like it is given the green light by the city:
  15. I quite like it. It's all in the finishing - as well all know.
  16. Yes, this was inspired by the Oracle offices in Redwood City, CA. Like almost exactly but in a different layout.
  17. The current circumstances are temporary in the grand scheme of things... the death of downtown is greatly exaggerated.
  18. Love it. This is type of office complex that appeals to companies these days, an especially in the creative and tech spaces: 1) big historic building / adaptive reuse with a modern component 2) Outdoor spaces on every level 3) Big floor plates
  19. That's why they should have been more concerned with, and developed, an urban plan based on view corridors rather than wholesale height limits. That also could have (possibly) averted the picket fence skyline getting build west of de la Montagne.
  20. I wonder if anyone at City Hall in planning or up-higher notices the flat-lining skyline west of de la Montagne.
  21. Curious how they came up with 92m... seems so arbitrary. You're right: the project will make zero financial sense at such a height.
  22. I agree. But it's much taller than Christ Church - which is my point. Taller is better in order to compliment a historic (shorter) building.
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