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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. Windows are so critical to preservation and maintaining the "original look" yet I find in Montreal, the city isn't that strict with windows and window replacements on historic buildings. Look at the green windows on Ogilvys building for example. And there are scores of other examples. In LA, having worked with the Office of Historic Preservation, if you replace windows, they have to be replicas of the originals.
  2. I'm pretty sure that Sherbrooke Street through the business core is regarded as one of the prettiest streets in Canada. Certainly there are long stretched beyond that on the east and west that are gorgeous as well.
  3. This is one of the better new projects in the area. The less pre-fab concrete panels the better.
  4. Awesome news! I knew it couldn't be long for someone to snap this lot up for development. With the FS Hotel and Holt's-Ogilvy and the general "luxurification" of de la Montagne and Ste Catherine Street in the this area, it was coveted for sure! I don't mind the 65M height limit here... you can build something quite elegant at this VERY high profile intersection. My God, they need to do it right. Could be a hotel but could also be mixed-use: ground floor retail and boutique office space above. I disagree, this intersection is hideous. But De Maisonneuve is quite nice from Stanley eastward to KPMG Building (Maison de Cooperants). That's where it gets ugly.
  5. Agreed. Monit missed the boat on the condo boom; the W/A should have been built.
  6. A much better option would be a tall and skinny tower; it would play off of Sun Life much better. Big and bulky but short rarely works when protecting the prominence of an historic building. Look what happened to Bell Telephone on Beaver Hall: boxed-in and overshadowed by massive but short buildings. This scenario isn't as bad but the zoning is informed by the same concerns.
  7. I like it. Looks quite nice and dare I say, somewhat elegant. True, it could have been 30-35 stories.
  8. My god, there are some really crummy buildings that line this block and surrounding this lot...
  9. Prefer the older lighting... much warmer. Le 1000 in colours? I'm a little scared.
  10. As we run out of empty lots, we are starting to see the infill replace older, smaller, obsolete buildings that no longer are the best and highest use of the land beneath them. Looks like a decent project. Yes, a tall sliver would be nice but in Montreal with the restrictive zoning? 🙄
  11. It would be great to make it an office tower part of CCE: Tour 3. A cylindrical-shaped tower. CCE is such a coveted office complex that adding a tower would have made sense.
  12. Isn't there a historic facade that lines rue Gauvin that is going to be put back together?
  13. You know, Le Drummond 1 and 2 don't look so bad from the view at HRO.
  14. Luxury brands would want to stay in the Golden Square mile north of R-L; it's a squandered lot IMHO. Though one exception would be Square Victoria with Old Montreal at the doorstep. Plus that area is not getting sexier with the BNC HQ, VslP, 628 St Jacques. Not to mention the area already home to int'l organizations.
  15. In a lot of ways, New York was/has been much better at declaring entire neighborhoods as historic districts. They are also acutely aware of the fact that outside those areas, not every old building is deemed worthy of preservation and that is some areas, densification comes first. It's a different balance. In Montreal it sometimes seems like every old building must be preserved even when there may be little worth of it. IMHO: An entire row of greystone townhouses yes, but a single, badly mangled one left over that wasn't even that good quality to begin with architecturally - no.
  16. There is hardly, if anything left of the original townhouses on the inside. They have been so altered over the decades that by now only the facades are worthy of preservation. A couple of fireplaces here and there or some crown moulding is not enough to landmark interiors. These long ago became commercial buildings, as rooming houses with chopped-up floorpans, modernized, ground floors turned into retail units.... they were gutted long before these developers took control. Not to mention, from the backside they look like slums.
  17. Love it. This block of Bishop is going look quite good.
  18. It's going to be massive. A 200m office building at the max density is going to be impressive. Interesting how the ceiling heights for office towers are so much higher than the old days... Place Victoria is 47 floors at 190m.
  19. Just read the finishing detail: beige prefabricated concrete. 🙄
  20. And hopefully whatever gets built, it's tall and skinny.
  21. I love the way this turned out. Very cool looking.
  22. Love this view. Cant' wait to see this rise higher and higher.
  23. It seems so strange to me: with the tower sited on the west side of the lot, it looks like the east side of the lot is underdeveloped. Clearly a product of the zoning (height and density limits).
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