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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. Well, from the eastside, hopefully something more aesthetically appealing will be built to hide most of this two-building complex. But it does add nice density to these side streets.
  2. Le Walt Disney Concert Hall à Los Angeles et l'opéra de Guangzhou, deux oeuvres similaires des deux mêmes architectes, n'ont pas du tout le même panache international pour autant, et n'ont pas réussi à devenir d'aussi importants landmarks. Même chose pour le Library and learning Centre de Hadid à l'université de Vienne, son bâtiment à la City University de Hong Kong... Tous des bâtiments interchangeables, qui n'apportent rien à "L'image de la ville" de ces villes là. Disagree: The Walt Disney Concert Hall has overtaken the fame of the Bilbao Guggenheim. It has become an icon of Los Angeles; because the city so much more famous, Gehry's LA project has since eclipsed Bilbao. It was also designed first - though completed later.
  3. Honestly, wish they would just build a mixed-use tower: 23 floors of office plus 20 floors of hotel on top.
  4. About the only view of it I like.
  5. I think the rendering was better than what the reality is.
  6. UGH. Awful. The design is really all over the board. Frankly, on Sherbrooke, they should be able to build as tall as Medical Arts or the Linton across the street; no need to keep a 3-story max standard here when the city is densifying.
  7. Don't forget that the zoning plan was also designed so that the skyline matched the silhouette of Mount Royal... a cute concept that can most definitely hurt economic development in the long term.
  8. I have never bought the argument that the Seaway was the death-knell for Montreal's position as the economic engine of Canada: it was almost obsolete when it opened and never reached max usage. (Not sure how it performs today).
  9. Union Station, Royal York Hotel, and Commerce Court were all indicators of Toronto's future - in retrospect, of course.
  10. And we have lift-off: finally something rising from this lot!
  11. The Great Depression. Bad timing. CN had an otherwise insanely grandiose plan for Montreal that was simply scrapped.
  12. Los Angeles has been booming for the last decade or so... mostly infill housing, mixed-use projects, just nothing sexy like glassy towers.
  13. Ha ha. Both uninspired and in the case the Roc Fleuri - awful.
  14. I have to say, this 120M ceiling is getting a little monotonous: YUL, Quizecent, MAA, Donnaconna, etc... it would be nice to have a 150M limit here and there too.
  15. Nice idea but with the height and density limits?
  16. Are you sure Scotia is 170M? Anyways, loving this. Not thrilled about the twins but they are arranged differently than the usual side-by-side scheme. At first I wasn't sure why these would be ok and the original plan incited such an outcry, but now I see it: the original overlapped onto Maison Alcan a lot. This one is clearly pushed back from the complex with a clean break. Plus it's actually situated closer to De Maisonneuve and it is a 120M zone. Hopefully the media doesn't scream about overshadowing Maison Alcan while NIMBY's frame it as the destruction of Maison Alcan - again. LOL. It will be good to get some new, glassy, sleek towers here.
  17. Square Victoria. And the development of Gare Centrale is not set-in-stone as condos. South of Place Bonaventure is a huge lot if you straddle the viaduct - and you build on top of the tracks. After that, there are sites, but you would have to demolish existing buildings that are near the end of their useful life/becoming obsolete (e.g.: the 2 buildings on R-L in front of 1 SP).
  18. Hopefully there is a hotel component. We all know Montreal is missing some major brands. Sherbrooke street remains the most elegant street in the city, and arguably in Canada.
  19. How about when they also use "tower" to describe 12 storey buildings?
  20. My god. I can't believe this is already getting going! This next round of towers coming up are game changers for the skyline: BNC, VSLP, Maestria, 1SP. Wow!
  21. Yes, indeed better. They are probably getting feedback from potential corporate tenants and thus the design of the office building has evolved. The last version was so lazy and so uninspired. I have a feeling it's going to be refined still. (One more little box on top and that would be awesome!) Speaking of lazy design, they still can't figure a way to elegantly disguise or build-around the MTQ structure.
  22. Time Out Market: Or at least it should have had a portion of it on the ground level with direct access/ street frontage to draw people in.
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