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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. Getting closer to grade... steel or concrete structure? Do we know yet?
  2. In reality, all R-L lots until Guy should have been max 200M; then I believe we would have gotten a wider variety of heights. Some 140, 150, 180. Clearly the 120M ceiling is too low.
  3. This has an ugly, Roc Fleuri look to it. I'd much prefer something glassy and sophisticated. Enough with this trying to match the color of the surroundings.
  4. And the Holiday Inn is, IMHO, their best project.
  5. The current BNC HQ would have looked INCREDIBLE at 180-200M.
  6. Wow. This is sexy as hell. Elegant.
  7. I highly doubt that the developers of Le Dorchester - a rental building no less - put any thought into what is going to be built 2 blocks away at some unknown date. This is a downtown core, buildings of all sizes and heights block all kinds of site lines. If I understand your thinking, why didn't Brocco build L'Avenue with a blind wall to the north that faces Roccabella and vice versa? Rocco 3 should be blind walls on 3 sides.
  8. I fear that the rear of this project, with its not-so-attractive hanging balconies, will be on full display from the south. I don't fear that the BeG site will be quite coveted, already is, no doubt, as the the BNC HQ and VslP are two very high-profile and high quality projects. I'd like to see an office or mixed use on the site. Too bad the height limit is pretty restrictive.
  9. Frankly, Complex Maisonneuve has aged extremely well, aesthetically. The look of late Modern futurism looks really good today, IMHO and it's a quality cladding. It has the same look as Citicorp in NYC. They are not tall enough sure, but they make a BIG impression on the skyline and are in the same league as CIBC, PVM, Place Victoria, 1250, Le 1000.
  10. I feel like the architecture of our "Big 5" are of such a high caliber that they stand the test of time and still stand apart from the current crop of 140-200M towers. In fact, when I look at pics of the business core, Sun Life still has such a powerful presence despite it being 120M +/-. I do think BNC and VslP will be quality towers.
  11. Do we know if these windows are to be filled-in as they are on the lot line? Or will there be a light well between 1 SP and Hotel Philips Place?
  12. I'm sorry but BLTA is leaving an ugly legacy on R-L: Rocca 1 + 2, Icone 1, and now this. They did fine with CCE and Crystal de la Montagne but they have really missed the mark with their latest work.
  13. Would be nice to see 1801 replaced with a proper office tower one of these days or better yet, a hotel ... eventually perhaps.
  14. Looks like triplets.... add Le Quinzecent and we have quadruplets from afar.
  15. This is one of my favorite buildings and it deserves a proper restoration. I've been disappointed that The Bay never really took good care of this store and never made it shine - inside or out. Hopefully whatever is planned, the facades remain untouched (I hate the glass inserts they added at Eaton's).
  16. Thanks for the intel. Hilton is 4 stars though... Conrad and W-A are the 5-star brands... I could see it becoming a Conrad. Would be great to see it expand onto the lot next door: retail on the ground floor, rooms on the upper levels.
  17. I, for one, can't wait for this lot adjacent lot to be developed. What an eyesore in the middle of what is supposed to be a upscale/luxurious neighborhood.
  18. Good god, I hope that's not true. What a shame that would be... even if they don't end up occupying the complete building, they could lease out the balance.
  19. If you count the windows, it's 40+ stories. This proposal/rendering certainly doesn't look residential.
  20. I don't think this was for the Sq Vic. site.
  21. It has some interesting elements and features for sure, but it's not a "wow" for me.
  22. Am I the only one, when looking at this pic, imagining a 200m tower going up right where HEC is being built... 😝
  23. Given the price they paid for the lot, a high risk gamble this late in the economic cycle for sure, coronavirus or not.
  24. One of the better views of the Bell Centre 🤣
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