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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. I saw this in person a few weeks ago when I was in town and I liked it - looks better in real life rather than in photos.
  2. This project seems like it's moving fast!
  3. It's just an odd building. The vocation it was designed for is completely different - it's no longer a trade mart. But it is like 2MM+ square feet of space though... I don't think the economics work to demo this thing. The only thing that works for it is the huge floor plates... companies love that feature. Definitely needs a cohesive master plan for the exterior.
  4. This is going to be an amazing project for Montreal - and clearly Carbonleo have some ambition and vision.
  5. I agree.... this name change is so generic. McCord is pretty widely known name for the institution.
  6. Wow! This is one I had never heard of. Certainly, had it been built (I wish), we'd have a little cluster of towers in the east, close the the J-C Bridge. That would have been awesome.
  7. You have a mega-sized city block - it has to broken-up somehow to build towers. It can be a park, a square, a plaza, whatever... PVM has its plaza, for example. BNC has decided to build a park. Good for them.
  8. My God, the installation of these red panels is slow...
  9. Looks pretty conservative. Then again, it's a bank HQ. Not too surprising. Can't wait to see more...
  10. That block is going to densify! Whoa. It just hit me seeing the volume of a 32-storey tower and considering the 45 floors of 1000 de la Montagne.
  11. While I appreciate the effort to recreate something old, I never understand the point of it if you demolished it in the first place; the recreation is never good. We saw this with Lepine towers / YMCA.
  12. Not really... Carbonleo demolished a 21 floor concrete bunker of a hotel to build the Four Seasons... an 18-storey building. If a developer wants to build a 62 storey tower, demolishing a 5-level parking garage is not such a big deal breaker.
  13. That is/was Westcliff's plan.... but the site is zoned for 120m+ so someone else could conceivably build a 62 storey (residential) tower there.
  14. Architects who routinely work in Montreal and especially with the planning department, know exactly that the height and density limits are.
  15. Great scoop! If it is true, glad to that BNC has some ambition with respect to its HQ. Of course, let's see the design they chose... any day now, right?? ;p
  16. They should sell ad space on that a faux-brick wall. That'll cover it up.
  17. The Bell Centre was always ugly - even when it was first constructed. I can't believe someone thought that south facade looked good. And Orange brick? Seriously? The only redeeming feature is the Windsor Court facade.
  18. So true. People rave about NYC but the truth is, Manhattan is full of UGLY, Cheap, buildings... not everything is of the calibre of Zaha Hadid and Norman Foster and in some areas, like Times Square, the hotels that have gone up on some streets are 100x worse than The AC Marriott on R-L or even Le Smith.
  19. The slim office building the front R-L Blvd is a tear down - then the lot would have a proper frontage.
  20. Wnada's will sell/trade hands at some point... hopefully, the hotel can acquire it, expand the podium (for retail, hotel amenities such as a bigger ballroom) and add windows to the upper floors (with views to the Mountain).
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