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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. Still looks like a back alley to me. A facade update in the south side of the Bell Centre would be a good idea.
  2. The lighting of Sun Life: Bravo! I mean, wow! It's breathtaking. Makes that building take top billing in the night sky.
  3. Yes, indeed. But back then it was a beautiful Victorian, mostly residential neighborhood; it was trashed in the 1950's and 60's. By the 70's it was game over.
  4. Whoa. That sure does add some heft to the streetscape; a pretty huge impact at only 16 stories. I think it has to do with the volume.
  5. A stairwell effet isn't some law of nature in Montreal either; in my opinion, the 120 + zone should have always extended at St Jacques - not St Antoine. As for a 210 m tower at 660 Peel: I won't hold my breath.
  6. No one - even BNC - knows how this will all play out. I have to assume 36 floors was an estimate based on the current zoning. A competing architectural firm could potentially design a building that suits the BNC needs (and is chosen as the winner of the competition) with 45 floors plus a 15M crown totaling 1M SF.
  7. It's going to be just over 1M SF... it's going to be very imposing regards of its 36 floors - which is an estimate at this point.
  8. Interesting that they already know how many floors they are going to build - it's one thing to have a square footage in mind but without an actual design? Hopefully this 36 floor announcement is just a preliminary idea and that the architectural plan will evolve. This is the best site to build tall: It would be nice if someone in the city or establishment prodded them to at least build a little taller and build a signature tower.
  9. I agree. This isn't Pointe Claire. That said, I would expect Broccolini to work with the MTQ to ensure a harmonious plaza of some sort.
  10. For sure, I'd like to see 2-3 towers. I also hope they put in some kind of street grid between the towers as opposed to some giant podium or windswept plaza.
  11. Yes, the rooms at the Chateau Champlain need to be renovated and upgraded but the architecture is iconic and much celebrated. True, the crown is not the original one planned, but please, the tower is exceptional and goes hand-in hand with CIBC, PVM, CIL, Tour de la Bourse in terms of mid century gems that we have.
  12. It may be stumpy for the location but what is the height limit on these side streets? 65M? Can't blame the developer for that.
  13. Not easy to choose such sites... there aren't many 200M zoned sites. And obviously, this is where the action is.
  14. Fabulous!!! Very exciting project. Audacious. I find the height PERFECT too.... takes attention away from the stumpy and La Laurentienne and adds some depth and variety here, not to mention density.
  15. I agree, it's more about the physical building rather than the commercial establishment itself; however, a little context: Wandas is neighbors with or next to a forthcoming Four Season's Hotel, a Chanel boutique, a Ritz-Carlton, Louis Vuitton, Tiffany's etc... you get the point. Cafe Cleopatre is not.
  16. Disappointed with design change too but the height and the dark colour of the envelop more than make up for it; I'm just happy there is not pre-fab panels.
  17. I love it! This is how it should be done.
  18. Re: Icone. As long as Phase II doesn't have an aluminum band running up the backside on full view from Mont Royal.
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