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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. Rogers would make a great hotel conversion; ideal floor plate and from a location point of view it's near-perfect.
  2. Wow. That first pic is amazing: a mini cluster of towers in this part of the town. A beautiful sight. Love the look of TOM.
  3. Why? Because it's not glass? I love that it's black - it adds really dimension and diversity. And I LOVE this view - gorgeous cluster of towers. Finally.
  4. I'd like to see the two little buildings that front R-L eventually demolished so a 40-50 story tower can properly face the boulevard; I 'd also like to see a resi tower or a hotel tower from the Phillips Square side.
  5. I much preferred one of the original plans that incorporated most of the Crescent side of the block too and turned bars/clubs into high-end retail. … I LOVE the size: de la Montagne wants to be this luxury shopping corridor and this will go a long way to helping it; I mean, for some reason the area around de Maisonneuve and de la Montagne is such a disaster and it can't seem to get its act together (i.e.: Wanda's). I hope some developer has their eye on the parking lot across the street from the rising FS Hotel. That is one lot that needs to be built on ASAP.
  6. Roc Fleuri is a LOT worse than les Tours Lepine. Now that's a disaster.
  7. It won't be blank if it's covered in the same black glass curtain wall - you won't know the difference.
  8. It's the exterior glass. It's call a curtain-wall because it hangs/is attached on the superstructure like a curtain. The new renderings look much better than the initial one at the top of the thread; much more elegant. And the gold portions... Really looking forward to this!!
  9. On what lot? There's just the one south of Place Bonaventure.
  10. There is so much more development potential in Griffintown; I mean, it has a long way to go before it starts to feel filled-in and lived-in. Don't forget, this is basically a brand new residential neighborhood rising from abandoned low-rise buildings and empty lots - it will mature and find the right mix of people and businesses over time.
  11. Interesting proposal. A diagonal line such as this allows for a lot of coverage/access for those inner-city neighborhoods. I do think it should extend my one station from Bonaventure to to Griffintown.
  12. For office buildings, it sure as hell still is 28 stories.
  13. Hopefully, the look for a variance and aim for a170M project. This area could use it! But in all seriousness, as was mentioned, this area is a wasteland that is loaded with amenities including Metro access. The city would be wise to up zone the blocks around the new Boulevard and look at the area in terms of transit-oriented, high-density development; it's far enough from Mount Royal (and on the lowest ground) and it's not quite Old Montreal.
  14. It will happen in the medium term for sure…. that land is too valuable not to exploit to its fullest potential.
  15. I disagree. I don't think the Sheraton is ugly at all. The Sheraton Center in Toronto is much, much worse.
  16. But not all locations are made the same… the market will decide that.
  17. That entire block needs to be redeveloped; the only thing worth preserving is The Queen E (and even that, I'm not sure is worthy of it) and Gare Central itself. The CN Building quite frankly is a tear-down too (though it's in good shape), parking structure, etc.. raze it all. Belmont street needs to be treated like street again, not a back alley. This land is far too strategic (central location, max height zonage) and as the current crop of buildings get older, this will become obvious and necessary. Could be at least 20 years down the road though.
  18. Not what I expected. Looks like a rental building in VSL circa 1980. Not good.
  19. From this perspective, it's ok-looking.
  20. So that woody section to the south isn't part of this project and it belongs to CP? * I do remember hearing about CP's new interest in the area, given all the developments… but I can't recall if they wanted to sell the land and the air rights over the station or develop something themselves - perhaps in partnership with someone (the best solution in my opinion). * Also, the lot line with the McDo is weirdly crooked; it really stands-out now.*
  21. Looks great with CIL House… they compliment each other well. *Altitude is a mess - especially the east facade.*
  22. I don't think it's so bad to be honest. *It's rental building with a mid-priced hotel: it is what it is. *Lots of similar stuff and worse in much wealthier cities. *I LOVE the density here. *That makes-up for its lack of architectural merit. *
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