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Tout ce qui a été posté par internationalx

  1. If it's black aluminum - as I was hoping - then this may turn out to be a showstopper.
  2. Wow. That fake brick is really bad. Yikes....
  3. Nope nothing iconic for sure but this is for a bank HQ; they tend to be conservative. That said, it's kinda tendance with the play on different volumes and the angular cut.
  4. I'm hoping they sell - they clearly don't have any idea what they're doing with it. At least they should realize the price they could command for it, they'll make a pretty profit.
  5. Sure, ok. But there's no rule that says a developer has to do so. Plus, I forgot about that little deco number that was demolished.
  6. Overall, I don't think the volume is a problem. I think the problem, as has been mentioned, is that it doesn't go all the way to de Maisonneuve. Wanda's owner really fucked it up. They weren't able to give it some sort of stepped look from the north side; just a tall, blind wall. I think all glossy panels would have at least given the illusion of a curtain wall from afar. I also preferred an earlier version that had a penthouse added to Ogilvy's... would have harmonized better with the department store.
  7. Obviously in the early stages, and more a study of the volumes, I certainly hope that they drop the post-modern element(s) at the base... what the heck is that?
  8. It's not the worst thing I've seen - largely because of the context. It's perfect for the QdS. Looks like a giant Lego apartment building.
  9. I'm so anxious to see what the BCN proposes for a new HQ. It'll be nice to see a bank building an iconic tower for themselves too.
  10. A little surprised the building is not flush with Ogilvys, especially since it's an extension of the store right there... hopefully, that unsightly sliver will be covered with a finishing. Never mind. I just realized the "screen" they are installing protrudes from the superstructure.
  11. I totally agree with you. The proportions are sexy - skinny and tall. The envelope will look fine and quite frankly, better than Rocca with those brown side panels. TDC 2 and 3 adding so much depth to the skyline and best of all, breaking through the St-Antoine "barrier."
  12. Great shot - an angle we don't see. Also shows that Griffintown could used a max height increase.
  13. I think those blind wall panels should have all been glossy - would have looked like windows at least from afar.
  14. Man, Griffintown needs some height variation. Yikes.
  15. You would have to build above ground levels of parking (like Maison Manuvie) given that the train tracks are below.
  16. They own portion of the super block that BNC building on. They are planning something big.
  17. And Brocollini is planning a new condo near Place Victoria too....
  18. The building they are preserving is merely a token gesture - they're just throwing a bone at the community (preservationists, city, etc.. ). The Art Deco building is FAR more worthy of saving. HM can be so weird sometimes... they made noise about saving the accounting building at Windsor Station that was demo'd for Deloitte. ... This case reminds me of St Vincent's Hospital in NYC. THAT is proper development that preserved the original hospital building:
  19. Volume! Boy, what a contrast to the VSL-style complex next door.
  20. This is a mega block with Belmont street down the center. It was so poorly developed by CN - not cohesive, turned Belmont into a back alley etc... The whole block needs a proper land-use master plan developed not just a tower jammed in. In the long-term (i.e.: another 25-30 years), I can see at least 2 of the existing buildings such as the CN building itself a likely tear-down. In the immediate term: the parking garage and the small building on the corner of R-B Blvd are tear downs. Central Station also needs a grander entrance; perhaps a new exterior envelop with an Art Deco influence.
  21. This is my hood. Grew up in VSL and have a soft spot for it - it was such a perfect community to grow-up in. That said, yes, Place Vertu is dying a slow death - it's going the way of Cavenish Mall no doubt. I have always thought that residential components should be added to it. - so much surface parking. But, ugh, Cote-Vertu is like a parking lot these days at rush hour. Yikes.
  22. Crazy! But it's not long for this world. Great spot for a HILTON.
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