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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. At 200m it would be our 2nd tallest.... will they go for that extra 6m lol ???
  2. So then maybe the line is being extended beyond Anjou.... or extended westward beyond Snowdon??? $4B is a lot of money
  3. Can a mod please change the title of the thread to 1500RL ? merci !
  4. The last Canadiens captain to win the Stanley Cup played with a wooden stick It's been a rough 25 years
  5. Les macons du 19e siècle étaient incroyables. We definitely took a step back in that regard.
  6. I think the benefits of being in Montreal will force those tech/start-up companies to source talent from abroad.... which is great for us!
  7. Hard to disagree with Brocco on this one.... if you've never done a curved curtain wall before, I don't think it's a good idea to start with an emblematic 36-storey office tower. Je ne suis pas inquiet pour le design final Side note: some of you guys need to relax lol
  8. Merci pour la tournée @Archi Mtl !
  9. Même hauteur que le batiment adjacent ... et ca cachera le mur aveugle Edit: ^^ you beat me to it !
  10. C'est uniquement le calendrier des perturbations, pas la présentation de l'échéancier des travaux
  11. Great news on this dreary Wednesday afternoon! Seems like we're stuck with each other for at least 5 more years guys
  12. budgebandit

    Le Grand Déblocage

    J'suis d'accord mais voyons-donc c'est impossible de ne pas être conscient du revirement...
  13. budgebandit

    Le Grand Déblocage

    I find it incredible that despite the fact that the Liberals (and more specifically, Leitao) have turned the economy around in a big, big way, the people seem to be clamouring for a CAQ governement. There are times when the Liberals deserved to be ousted, but this certainly isn't one of them.
  14. This thread is already at 653 pages (in about 2 years). I wonder how many pages we will be at 5 years from now! It'll be the longest thread in the history of mtlurb My guess: 2400 pages by April 1st 2023
  15. The biggest advantage of fake brick is that you can install it in any temperature. Real brick has to be installed at temperatures above 5 deg Celsius and then the finished wall has to be heated while the mortar sets if it's below 15 deg Celsius outside
  16. C'est plutot une membrane thermosoudable pare-air/pare-vapeur Ensuite les sous-entremises et barres Z seront installées comme support pour les panneaux et, finalement, nous aurions nos panneaux rouge Ferrari ! Something like this:
  17. This situation played out like the opening of a CSI Miami episode lol: "We just finalized the deal, but we need to find a way to save on the demolition costs or this project will go up in flames" "Burn, baby, burn!"
  18. ^^ For sure... but some parts of this building need to be saved. Demolition would be a travesty
  19. Realistically it will be ready in April/May 2019
  20. Le plus bas soumissionnaire est le Groupe Geyser ($59,9M). They do not have the best reputation in the industry... EBC était deuxième à environ $62M (un écart de +3.5%) La ville n'a toujours pas confirmé que les travaux iront de l'avant.
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