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Tout ce qui a été posté par budgebandit

  1. ^^ Exactly... Usually required in areas with large parking lots or lots of asphalt
  2. Ok here's my compromise: buildings "à l'échelle humaine" adjacent to the four streets bordering the lot and one 300m tower at the center Everybody wins!
  3. I would love to see a 250m tower with a 50m spire I think we're all ready to join the 300m club
  4. C'est quand même une photo magnifique! Merci
  5. Trudeau promised 3-4 new icebreakers
  6. I'm so excited lol ! This is excellent, MTLURB-unifying news
  7. Je pense que c'est du locatif entrepreneur: Clobracon Construction
  8. The west side of the parking lot next to the old Delta hotel is our best option Nothing less than a 200m + should be built there
  9. The seats are horrendous and the corridors make people feel like herded cattle
  10. Limit it to 20 well-fed, well-treated horses with owners that have all the necessary permits and that's it... Tourists love riding the caleches and they are a fixture of life in the Old Port They can even implement monthly check-ups by a vet to make sure the horses are in good health.... I have a feeling the economic impact of this decision wasn't considered at all.
  11. The other tricky part about renovation work is that any modifications must be up to code. Example: if the building didn't have sprinklers before but they are required, you now need to add them etc.
  12. Although I'm disappointed with the change in design, this tower is still very sleek. A nice addition to our skyline
  13. I left the Old Port at around 2 PM this afternoon heading towards Ville Saint-Laurent and it was absolutely hellish getting from Atwater to the highway ! I can't even imagine what it will be like at 5 PM on a weekday The next 2 years are going to be brutal.
  14. C'est le lot à coté du Wellington? Est-ce qu'on a une idée de la hauteur?
  15. Let me educate you a little bit: As of 2015, there were 53 million people in the US that could speak Spanish. By 2050, that number is expected to grow to 138 million. Not just a couple of people that know how to say "una cerveza por favor". I agree but that's not the point. We want to remain open to everyone because their money is worth just as much as everyone else's!
  16. Their 2nd language is Spanish lol They feel more comfortable in Mexico or the Caribbean than in Quebec
  17. The Sheraton sign barely visible over Gare Windsor....we can never escape the horror lol
  18. What they meant to say was: three more months until delivery.... of the model unit on the 2nd floor !
  19. With late penalties of $100 000/day, I think they're going to want to finish on time lol
  20. A lot of people that I know (age range: 25-30) moved to Toronto but I would hardly consider any of them to be the "best and brightest". Most of them move because they don't want to work in French and they will be coveted in Toronto because they are bilingual. The real best and brightest move to NYC, but it's a much, much smaller percentage.
  21. No collusion but with the amount of work that the consortiums put in, there could potentially be lawsuits against CDPQi if the project is cancelled.
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