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Tout ce qui a été posté par MARTY

  1. Nom: Le 22 Hauteur en étages: 10, 10 Hauteur en mètres: Coût du projet: Promoteur: Le Groupe Maurice Architecte: Entrepreneur général: Emplacement: Saint-Léonard Début de construction: 2014 Fin de construction: 2016 Site internet: Lien webcam: Autres informations: *380 unités Rumeurs: Aperçu artistique du projet: Maquette: Autres images: Vidéo promotionnelle:
  2. Here is another project rising from the ashes of cancelled projects!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still some life in this one, I hope :begging::begging:
  3. Nice on-line real-time camera angle from Le Crystal made available on the Magil connstruction website!! Wait about bout 10 seconds for it to load, then click on right side of your mouse and click on full screen button.
  4. Talk about giant egos!!!! Wading into the controversy over Donald Trump's new sign in Chicago, Jon Stewart joked the city should have known what it was getting into. "I gotta say Chicago, I think this is on you," the host of "The Daily Show" said Tuesday night. "Did you not think Donald Trump was going to put his name on the building you let him build? It's what he does. Have you been to New York City? Or as you think it would be called from the buildings, New Trump City?" "He put up a string of apartment buildings that literally block the sun from the entire Upper West Side of Manhattan," Stewart said. The 20-foot illuminated letters spelling TRUMP on the side of Trump International Hotel over the Chicago River prompted criticism from Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who called the sign "architecturally tasteless." Source: Follow us: @nbcchicago on Twitter | nbcchicago on Facebook
  5. MARK AC....Toronto has it's sites that were on ice for a long time....Bay-Adelaide has only started in the last year or so it was on ice for about 20 years!!!! Shit happens man!! Money, business decisions are based on a slew of factors. We don't have the volume of businss that Toronto or New York have. however we are currently 3 rd after those 2 cities in condo construction So let's be content with what is a boom for Montreal...10 years ago you didn't see one tower crane we have let's stop with this constant second guessing every decision that is made by developers. Political stability at the provincial and municipal levels and a sense of cooperation will in the long run help investors to choose Montreal but it is not the only factor. Money goes after money!! Let's enjoy these projects and hope for many more announcements.
  6. Great timing SkahHigh! The advertisement on the bus and the windows going up!! Thanks.
  7. Absolutely right!! We would need about 100 x 50 + story buildings in a straight line at St.Jacques so that the river would completely disappear from the mountain sights.The chances of that happening in the next 100 years are 0 .
  8. What the hell do people do stand or sit in the street and look for the mountain?? Gee z, if they are so worried about seeing the mountain or the river, move to the south shore and you can see the river and the mountains all over the Monteregie. Construction is the motor of economic development.You can't just build duplexes and 2 story townhouses in the middle of downtown. It's amazing what people think they can control in their own little world!! Yes the river is important and the mountain is great but please stop with the nonsense that the building of a few skyscrapers will impede some nimby's is true that the squeaky wheel gets the oil!!:thumbsdown::thumbsdown:
  9. You know for the longest time a lot of the folks on this forum were shitting on the Avenue. Now those same naysayers are looking for other projects to shit on. Come on man, we're talking about millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars. If it was your money would you gamble and risk losing everything or make sure that your project is viable and successful? It's easy to criticize other people and sound like experts on everything? Just enjoy looking at the projects and hopefully a majority of these projects will get built eventually. Have a good day!!
  10. Les actualités 23 janvier 2014 Avant-projets à surveiller Samcon Le projet Drummond Condominiums, situé au centre-ville de Montréal, aurait été reporté à l'automne prochain. Les travaux de construction de la première tour s'échelonneraient sur deux ans. La compagnie évalue l'ensemble du projet à 130 millions $.
  11. Throw out the competition!!! Maybe good news for new developments or renovated stores into bank branches on Ste-Catherine... Les banques Nationale et Royale quitteront le complexe Desjardins Publié à 14:37, mis à jour à 15:13 PAR DOMINIQUE FROMENT Deux des locataires de la première heure du Complexe Desjardins au centre-ville de Montréal devront se relocaliser. Desjardins leur a en effet fait savoir que la coopérative a besoin de l’espace pour ses propres besoins. La haute direction de la Banque Nationale et de RBC Banque Royale a été informée il y a plus de deux ans que leur bail respectif ne serait pas renouvelé. Mais l’information n’a pas beaucoup circulé puisque c’est Les Affaires qui a appris la nouvelle aux deux porte-parole. «Nous sommes au Complexe Desjardins depuis son ouverture (ndlr : 1975). Nous avons actuellement un bail de 10 ans sans option de renouvellement qui vient à échéance en avril 2015, a indiqué Claude Breton, directeur principal, relations publiques, de la Banque Nationale. Nous ne savons pas encore où nous allons déménager, mais ce ne sera pas très loin du Complexe Desjardins pour ne pas obliger nos clients à se déplacer trop loin.» Pour sa part, RBC quittera le Complexe Desjardins au printemps 2016 pour emménager au 350 de la rue Sainte-Catherine ouest, coin de Bleury, à un jet de pierre du Complexe Desjardins. «RBC procède, depuis 2012, au remplacement graduel de ses succursales par des boutiques de services financiers où la prestation de services met l’accent sur l’accueil, l’accompagnement des clients et les conseils qui leur sont offerts par des professionnels des services bancaires, du placement et de la planification financière. Nous voyons donc ce déménagement comme une occasion d’établir au centre-ville de Montréal l’une de ces boutiques», raconte Raymond Chouinard, directeur, Médias et relations publiques, Direction du Québec, de RBC Banque Royale. Selon André Chapleau, conseiller stratégique en relations de presse chez Desjardins, le départ de la BNC et de la RBC permettra au gestionnaire du complexe de récupérer 21 000 pieds carrés dont l’institution financière a besoin «pour son propre développement». M. Chapleau assure qu’aucun autre locataire n’est prévu quitter le Complexe Desjardins. À SUIVRE DANS CETTE SECTION Bombardier: inquiétude chez les travailleurs MIS À JOUR À 18:13 | MARTIN JOLICOEUR
  12. Am I reading the plans for the 2 towers incorrectly. 142m is marked on each. So what is it 120 meters or 142 meters?? Or does 142 meters include the underground levels???
  13. Yes let's discuss architecture and the good things that we love about this city and province and country that we share. First of all BRUB I was not responding to your comments but those of MontRoyal. However allow me the opportunity to respond to these rather harsh attacks that were not warranted and totally insulting. But alas the anonymity of the internet makes us brave to insult and belittle anyone who does not share our opinion. Yes, Vanatox I am simply nuts and I Blah Blah Blah, Why would I even attempt to compare my limited intellect to your enormous wealth of knowledge and your complete understanding of the universe. As for ACPNC, yes all of English Canada is just waiting to pounce on any opportunity to bash Quebec....Yes those goddamn Canadians are so aggressive and they are definitely the enemies of Quebec....................Stupid Alberta Anglos that send us $8 billion dollars in equalization payments every year. I guess every Person in the Rest Of Canada is just waiting for the day that Quebec crashes...Oh yes the Parti Quebecois is the salvation of Quebec......Mme Marois Poo poos any opinion that is contrary to hers...why that senile old politician Parizeau is just a citizen now and Lucien Bouchard who was the poster boy for the Independence Movement in the 80's and 90's should shut up and mind his business now that he is in favor of staying in Canada..... What did I say in my original post?.....When people disagree with their opinion they are traitors and simply should go away. Oh and as I said in may previous post I was going to labelled ...and I am , I am now known as NUTS and whatever I say should be disregarded!! And finally ACPNC, Yes the Olympic Stadium is a Monument to Quebec Know-how.....Designed by a French architect, finished well over a Decade after the 76 Olympics were held. Botched workmanship, Initially pegged at $125 million dollars and finally costing over $2 billion Dollars....Billion with a B....Hundreds of millions being spent over the last 25 years to keep it standing. More hundreds of millions in the planning to remake the roof. I totally agree it is a GREAT Monument to Quebecois Savoir Faire!!! Merry Xmas to all.......or should I be politically correct...Happy Holidays!!
  14. Yeah the English media is full of crap. They don't care about Quebec they just push their own evil Anglo agenda. The Peladeau clan with the Journal de Montreal, well now we're talking real journalism, pure unadulterated logic with no slant in favor of one group or another. Damn Anglos with the Gazette and those French hating fear mongers and Quebec bashing traitors like MacLean's which published the story of Quebec being the most corrupt jurisdiction in Canada. The nerve of those hateful Anglos. I bet if all the Anglos and all the Allophones were to instantly disappear from every corner of Quebec, the Pur-laines Quebecois would be in Shangri-la. Wow imagine no Hijabs, no black people, no Italian Mafia, no big nosed Jews with Curls , no Arabs, no smelly curry slinging Punjabi no annoying Greek Pizza joints. Wow let's imagine a Pure Quebec where no American tourist or any Damn Anglo Canadian would dare step into. A Quebec so pure that the birds would only sing and chirp in French and where names such as Trudeau and Martin, Charest , Bourassa would be illegal and stricken from the historical registers of Quebec. Imagine a Quebec so French that it replaces France as the center of the Francophonie. Imagine Quebec where Air Canada, US Air could not fly into it's airspace without taping over the word Air. Imagine a Quebec where all non Francophone people buried in cemeteries are dug up and all traces of the grave markers are destroyed. Imagine a Quebec where all the Indians ( Inuit, Iroquois, Hurons etc etc ) are shipped out to Manitoba. Let us pause for a moment and think about this way of thinking. Is it far fetched or is it the type of thinking that leads to tragedies such as Rawanda, Sri Lanka or dare I say Nazi Germany.............. When a people cannot accept criticism without bringing out their hate of a certain group, we have, dare I say the beginning of organized racism. When a group believes that they cannot do any wrong and that their way of thinking is the only way, then my friends we are at the top of a dangerous slippery slope. Call me an alarmist call me a fool, it' ll be just another label to brand me a Quebec hater!!!!
  15. Hey guys it's easy to explain: government vs private.......Charbonneau Commission anyone, anyone???? Charbonneau Commission what a laughable exercise in whitewashing.......Corruption is here to stay and will never go away. when you control money from the public and you help yourself to wads of it, it doesn't feel wrong because the victim does not have a name. :stirthepot:
  16. Hi guys...Anybody have access to this MERX Private Construction site. I am limited to government bids. How about Habsfan or Mark AC or Lindberg etc etc I hi-lited 4 projects that I don't think we know about on our MTLURB. These are official bids so these are approved and will be proceeding as soon as the bids are accepted. I hope we find a couple of big surprises!!!!!!!!!! Gain access to hundreds of Construction projects with MERX Private Construction MERX Private Construction provides a value-added service tailored to contractors looking for project information needed to bid on contracts in the Canadian construction industry. Reporting on projects from the 'pre-design' stage through to the start of construction, businesses of any size have affordable access to billions of dollars in construction opportunities. From the construction of houses and hotels to office buildings and shopping malls, MERX Private Construction has all the information you need to bid on contracts. Please review the listings below of the latest opportunities posted in your region All of Quebec Townhouses & Condominium- La Cite Verte – Québec Condominium - Place des Jardins (Phase 1-5) Québec Condominium - Bella Vista - Phase 2 (101 Units) St-Laurent Office Building - Complexe Jules Dallard - Phase 2 – Québec Data Centre – Québec Rose Mining Project - Nemaska Condominium Marquise (Phase 2-8) Laval Kipawa Rare Earth Project - Open pit mine – Rouyn-Noranda Westin Resort & Spa Tremblant (Renovations) Mont Tremblant Condominium - Le Signature (Phase 2) Québec Head Office (Conversion) Montreal Niobec Mine Expansion - Saguenay Condominium - Les Haltes du Roi (Phase 3-9) Trois-Rivieres Condominium - Cite de la Gare (Phase 2-5) St-Constant Condominium - SE7T (Phase 1-3) Montreal Condominium - U31 (Phase 1-3) Montreal Senior Residence – Ste Therese de Gaspe Condominium - Les Meandres – Camomille – Quebec Apartments/Condominiums 4+ Stories (72 Units) Rouyn-Noranda Condominium - Ilot Esso – Québec Condominium - Coop Evrelle – Beauport Theatre du Rideau Vert - Phase 2 – Montreal Theatre/Cultural Centre – Longueuil Office Tower - Hotel/Motel - Montreal Commercial Development - Carrefour de la Bravoure – Val-Belair Condominium (Phase 1-4) Terrebonne Condominium - Le URB – Montreal Lithium Spodumene Mine Project – La Corne Condominium - Station 7 (Phase 1-7) St-Jerome Condominium Woodfield Sillery (87 Units) Quebec Condominium- Acces M (79 Units) Quebec Dolbeau Oxygen Manufacturing Facility (Expansion) Dolbeau-Mistassini Quartier Sud - Seniors Residence – Levis Caisse Populaire - Municipal Building – St Liguori Cinema Mega-Plex Guzzo - Sainte-Therese Condominium Apartment Townhouse (160 Units) Aylmer Lac-Leamy Hilton Hotel (Reno) Gatineau 75 Rene-Levesque Ouest (Condominium Building) Quebec 18-Storey Condo Towers – Montreal Apartment - Place Lamoureux (Phase 2-3) Rimouski Condominium (Phase 1-6) Val-David Townhouse Development (Phase 1-6) Beaconfield Condo des rue Equinoxes (Phase 1-4) St Laurent Condominium Phase Three (18 Units) Hudson Condominium Opus - Phase 5 – Lasalle Condominium (Phase 2-4) Vaudreuil Condominium (30 Buildings, 180 Total Units) Mont Tremblant Theatre Le Cube - Montreal Shopping Centre - Place Lorraine - Lorraine The Grove at Montreal Student Apartments (Conv/Renov) Montreal Pricing All of Quebec 109.99/month or 960.00/Pre-Paid Yearly (savings of 359.88) Montreal and District 69.99/month or 660.00/Pre-Paid Yearly (savings of 179.88) Quebec City and District 54.99/month or 480.00/Pre-Paid Yearly (savings of 179.88) Our Flexible subscription options allows you to use our service on a monthly basis with no contract obligations or you can pre-pay our service for the year and save 25% Plan ahead with MERX Private Construction · Search Canadian construction projects by Region or by Project Type Quickly identify projects suited to your business or skill set with our exclusive access to McGraw-Hill Dodge Reports
  17. Found this on the Graph Synergie website. Maybe just a study project. But it may happen in Lasalle. What a change!! Now: day: Night View: :begging:
  18. Hi Peekay, you,re going to change your pants often in the next couple of months. There will no doubt be a second crane on the Rocabella site very soon!!There will be a minimum of 8 cranes within 3 blocks!!!!! :goodvibes:
  19. sorry guys , no website yet available...but a nice rendering in Les Grands Constructeurs insert in yesterday's LaPresse.Should be launching in the next few days!!! Nice infill project!!:thumbsup:
  20. :hyper: Has anyone seen the sign next to the building across from TDC. Seems like a picture of a building that might be going up on the site?????? :begging:
  21. Guys read the initial article 378 condos and a hotel element and 230 parking spaces!!!The hotel element should add 10 to 12 floors?????Recalculate your height estimates but then again floor plate size will also come into play. So let's wait and see!!
  22. Folks you got take it as it comes. 3 towers of 26(Deloitte-Rio), 28(900 Mais.) and maybe 32 for PDS. I'll take that any day. No buildings since 1992 unless we count the Cite Comm. Elect. You know most of the towers in Dubai are empty and most ofthe towers in China are completely empty....virtual ghost towns popping up everywhere in China. Hundreds of highrises that are empty!! I am for tall structures and I wish we could get some but the market dictates otherwise,,,be happy with the very good building boom that we are having. Don't forget that the times have changed if we were in the 1960's or 70's these 3 towers would probably be in the 45 to 50 storey range. Now with computers -internet-videoconferencing etc. etc. much less space and many less employees are required. Remember this:
  23. Another crane is up in St-Leonard...the Faubourg Viau 13 storey condo on its way up by Magri Construction.
  24. Hi guys, listen I'm not having a bad day. It's just that nothing is anyone's fault here and we just cover everything up. Is it possible that the roads are in such disarray all over the city? It's disgusting .l look at the whole picture and the streets all over Montreal are in horrendous shape and we just grin and bear it. That's all!! As far as Lac Megantic is concerned, I sympathize with the people and I hope that they can find the strength to continue. I'm no stranger to the loss of loved ones , 2 years ago I lost my mom, dad and father in -law in the space of 17 months, so I get the sense of loss. It is a horrible loss and it is due to human the way do you know that over 25,000 children die everyday around world due to famine and disease. So do we stop talking about our civic problems out of respect for the children?? However, this is a website for discussion urban issues. I had no intention of disrespecting the Lac Megantic tragedy, It just has nothing to do with the pitiful state of our roads!! :confused:
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