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Well except that little part of the Qur'an where Mohammed massacres all the 900-odd male Jews of Medina and enslaves the women and children for the benefit of the Muslim tribes... but yeah, very peaceful


The bible is full of examples where "god" demands that the Jews kill other tribes, commit slaughter, rape and many other atrocities!


What did I say that was racist? Please enlighten us all.


Here you go!


Do we share a largely unprotected border with Mexico? Do we have millions of former slaves residing in drug-ridden ghettos? No. Aside from areas with large native populations, crime in Canada is low to begin with.


You basically are saying that crime is the fault of mexicans, African Americans and the Aboriginals. If that's not racism and bigotry, I don't know what is.


You sure seem like it. God will give you a second chance, if only you finally give Him a chance. It is not too late to repent for your sins and become a born-again Christian. Whatever you do, don't turn to the bottle. An unstable personality and too much alcohol don't mix.


OK, you've basically confirmed what I've been thinking for a while're turning into a troll. Nobody can be that deluded!


I really feel sorry for you. To be so delusional is quite pathetic. Enjoy talkiing to your imaginary friend, I'm done. There's no point arguing with someone who is delusional and who refuses to see reality!


Thankfully we have an ignore list...I intend on using it!

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The bible is full of examples where "god" demands that the Jews kill other tribes, commit slaughter, rape and many other atrocities!


But the Jews are God's Chosen People, this is okay :stirthepot: I mean, the fuckin Caananites? LOL :D


You basically are saying that crime is the fault of mexicans, African Americans and the Aboriginals. If that's not racism and bigotry, I don't know what is.


But it is...

Modifié par Cyrus
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The bible is full of examples where "god" demands that the Jews kill other tribes, commit slaughter, rape and many other atrocities!

Lets see some direct quotes. I doubt you know the bible better than us Christians do.


Here you go!


You basically are saying that crime is the fault of mexicans, African Americans and the Aboriginals. If that's not racism and bigotry, I don't know what is.

What is racist and bigoted about saying that the difference in crime between here and the US is mainly due to the fact that they border a third world country that is undergoing a full scale drug war, the fact that many African-Americans tend to live in drug riddled ghettos making them more likely to commit crime, and that aboriginals have higher than normal rate of substance abuse leading to a higher levels of crime? Your naivete is quite astonishing. I would bet that the crime rate for white Americans and Canadians is pretty close together (with Americans still having a higher crime rate for various reasons).


OK, you've basically confirmed what I've been thinking for a while're turning into a troll. Nobody can be that deluded!


I really feel sorry for you. To be so delusional is quite pathetic. Enjoy talkiing to your imaginary friend, I'm done. There's no point arguing with someone who is delusional and who refuses to see reality!


Thankfully we have an ignore list...I intend on using it!

Look, I have nothing against you personally, I don't know why you insist on trying to debase me in that way. Have I ever attacked you personally in an unprovoked manner? Never. At least now that I'm on your ignore list, I have one less idiot trying to slander my good name. I strongly suggest that whoever else finds me offensive does the same thing.

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It is interesting to note that with all the "tough on crime", crime rates are decreasing in the USA, though are still at a historically high level. The same phenomenon is happening in Canada.


It is perhaps unfair to characterize certain ethnic groups as being the source of the crime... it doesn't matter the colour, it is basically all poor people and they just happen to look that way...

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It is interesting to note that with all the "tough on crime", crime rates are decreasing in the USA, though are still at a historically high level. The same phenomenon is happening in Canada.


It is perhaps unfair to characterize certain ethnic groups as being the source of the crime... it doesn't matter the colour, it is basically all poor people and they just happen to look that way...


You're right, I'm just going with the general stereotype (although as it applies to the US). Urban ethnic groups in Canada tend to have a crime rate similar to the Canadian average. I didn't mean to state that white people don't cause their fair share of crime. I was more intending to show how that existence of ghettos in the US, and that country's proximity to a third world country undergoing a civil war make the crime rate there much higher than here.

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I'm not baptized and I'm living a wonderful life, godless.


Am I the anti-Christ?


Seriously, I can't believe you're that much of a religious guy, MTLskyline. Either you're trolling us, or you're far more fucked up than I thought.

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I'm not baptized and I'm living a wonderful life, godless.


Am I the anti-Christ?


Seriously, I can't believe you're that much of a religious guy, MTLskyline. Either you're trolling us, or you're far more fucked up than I thought.


I don't know if it is really fair to call him fucked up to be God-fearing, I mean it isn't like he is trying to stone his wife to death for having opened the door to the Fedex guy without hiding her hair :stirthepot: I'm not involved in religion but as I've grown older and wiser I am not offended by it (unless it is breaching basic human rights and decency). Perhaps I am coloured by various, inhuman historical events such as those during the Spanish Civil War by radical communist-atheists and the Holocaust.

Modifié par Cyrus
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I'm not baptized and I'm living a wonderful life, godless.


Am I the anti-Christ?


Seriously, I can't believe you're that much of a religious guy, MTLskyline. Either you're trolling us, or you're far more fucked up than I thought.


You might be under the illusion of living a wonderful life, but is it really that wonderful without faith in God? ;) I know you and I have had our heated arguments, but I can't bring myself to hate you personally, because I do see some good in you (your sense of humour for instance, even if it is often at my expense). So no, I do not believe you (or anyone else here) to be the anti-Christ (leave that for Osama bin Laden).


I am a believer (I was baptized with water from the River Jordan and I am a church-goer), but I am not as devoutly religious as I let on that I am. I'm not even as much of a hardline conservative as I let on to be on here. But I am still a Christian with a generally positive view of the modern conservative movement (it isn't a crime is it?).


What I believe that I am doing is providing a wider range of opinions than what people here are used to(you've probably noticed that its often everyone vs. me in debates). Too often in our society the public is exposed to only one point of view. I strongly believe that a diversity of viewpoints enriches the society as a whole. Sometimes people like your viewpoints, other times people attack you personally for stating them. My character is somewhat "contrarian" in nature. I do occasionally like to test people's limits (like my rant against the metric system), but by and large, I don't see myself as a troublemaker. I do have somewhat of a dry sense of humour which is fairly hard to tell online.


Being an effective debater is a useful skill to acquire. Much like a baseball player might practice their swing with weights on their bat as a challenge, it is good practice to debate people using exaggerated versions of your own positions. At the same time the people you debate with are getting more used to extreme positions and will more easily tolerate your real-life more moderate views. Perhaps if I had grown up in a more conservative environment, I'd be going on tangents about the merits of socialism (or I wouldn't be interested in politics and my life would be a lot easier). I figured people interested in real estate development would most likely be a little more easily swayed to my side of the spectrum.


But I'm not completely one dimensional either. I do contribute to the projects section as well (I tipped off mtlurb on a number of projects such as the revised plans for the Hilton, the Hotel Mo, and various other projects scattered all over the place) as I do have a passion for architecture.

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Après les coups, les bouteilles qui revolent, le sang qui gicle, voilà que le love-in s'annonce!


Sérieusement, les "contrarians" méritent quand même d'être un peu défendus. Et pour voir du racisme dans les propos de Mtkskyline, il faut durcir unilatéralement ses idées, et vouloir le peinturer dans le coin...


D'ailleurs j'aime bien le Québec, mais nous sommes quand même un peu tricotés serrés, en matière de débat... Il faut veiller à maintenir le plus largement ouvert l'espace de ce qui peut être dit et pensé.


Cela dit, franchement Mtlskyline, vingt ans de prison pour les p'tits poteux ! Admirer Stockwell Day ! Il est temps de pratiquer la left curve, pour être un lanceur plus équilibré...

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