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Hi, newbie here, sorry for writing in english but not from montreal however, i am trying to learn.

I live in the namur area and i have to say its very embarasing how the city of montreal has handled this redevelopment. It leaves me questioning any plans for the hipodrome.

I was really hoping this development would turn out similar to the regent park development in toronto. Instead it looks like something you would see in laval or longueuil.

It seems the city has money to burn for all these festivities for the 375 but does not have any money to build what was promised to the owners in this neighborhood. It also seems like the same is hapening with grifintown. I have a friend living there and it seems like the park that was promised is being reduced in size.

It's very disheartening because alot of people have spent their life savings buying here with fake promises. :(

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So many gullible people, easy preys and ready to trust anyone promising the moon. Here ya go.

And the worst is, down in GriffinWithoutASheriffTown, promoters are starting the next round of real estate development greenwashing, nice renderings and empty promises. Suckers keep coming... And them snively permoters are definitely salivating at the prospect of more empty promises, nice renderings and line-ups of moe suckers around the Hippodrome and quartier quinze40 swindle... 80p

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Hi, newbie here, sorry for writing in english but not from montreal however, i am trying to learn.

I live in the namur area and i have to say its very embarasing how the city of montreal has handled this redevelopment. It leaves me questioning any plans for the hipodrome.


It's very disheartening because alot of people have spent their life savings buying here with fake promises. :(


Well, you shouldn't despair. I can understand the frustration as the city hasn't fullfilled it's promised yet but I am sure it will eventually get done. Again, maybe not 100% but this area will turn out to be interesting eventually. It's just that it takes forever.

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Lesson: Never, never buy anything based on nice renderings and paper promises... you always get screwed in the end. Montreal real estate promoters have figure out there's a sucker born every day and that they seem to flock in droves to the city...


Well the funny thing is, the city is the one that screwed everyone over, not the developers. The developers are getting screwed over because sales have slowed down dramatically due to the city's inaction.


So many gullible people, easy preys and ready to trust anyone promising the moon. Here ya go.


Are we to not trust our own city? They promised a park and are not delivering. First off, how anyone can promise a park on land they do not own is beyond me. Most people were not aware the land did not belong to the city. Thus the city misrepresenting the situation.

Modifié par newbie514
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Why did the City not impose on the promoter, who was going to gain the most from the property valuation resulting from a park being added to the development, to acquire the land, build the park and hand it over to the city upon completion of the project??? Oh yeah... right... little brown envelopes... and Mister Applebaum et al...

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[quote=newbie514;219005. Instead it looks like something you would see in laval or longueuil.



Cela fait plusieurs fois que je vois cette phrase, en anglais ou en français, sur ce forum. On dirait un refrain...


Je crois avoir une bonne idée de ce cela laisse sous-entendre--une architecture et un urbanisme médiocres en banlieue, par opposition aux normes (supposément) plus relevées de Montréal. Et à chaque fois je sursaute. Non pas que j'admire particulièrement et inconditionnellement ce qui se fait à Laval et à Longueuil; et non pas non plus que j'ignore l'existence de quelques très belles réussites présentes et passées à Montréal. MAIS je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser aux aussi nombreuses médiocrités que l'on retrouve sur le territoire de la ville et de l'ïle de Montréal, sans parler des horreurs héritées d'époques passées moins glorieuses.


En fait, pour être juste, il faudrait comparer ce qui est comparable: par exemple, le centre-ville et le "Vieux-Montréal" n'ont pas d'équivalents ailleurs, et il ne faut pas en chercher. Ensuite, les insertions (nouvelles, par définition) dans les quartiers anciens offrent l'occasion de créer des harmonies uniques, ce qui encore une fois n'est pas possible en banlieue--quand on essaie, ex nihilo, cela fait très artificiel... Comparons plutôt les nouveaux secteurs à vocation de moyenne densité en banlieue avec leurs équivalents dans les nouveaux secteurs de Montréal, par exemple RDP dans l'est. (Je ne parle pas du West Island, que j'ai toujours trouvé du pur style banlieusard, ce qui est correct d'ailleurs, dès qu'on se libère du mythe...)

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^ je pense que le point est que les normes *devraient* être plus élevées à Montréal. Tes points sont tout à fait valides, il y a de très nombreuses médiocrités à Montréal, mais c'est justement contre ça que tout le monde s'oppose. On ne devrait pas s'abaisser aux standards des banlieues répétitives, sans goût et indistinctes qui nous entourent.

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