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24 minutes ago, mtlurb said:

But they do, having them, mean thousands of jobs are created which supports our public services, this is the profit. Not having a toll on every corner, doesn't mean revenus and profits aren't created somewhere in the market. Same thing for the sewage or schools, the profit are indirect by enhancing hygiene and education, which in turn cost less to society in the end.

Eduction + Hygiene - cost of infra - cost of not doing anything = profit.

Ok so you agree that an efficient, safe, reliable public transit system shouldn't have to show a bottom line profit to be profitable to society. Good. I guess you're a social liberalist like me after all. 😉

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il y a 1 minute, SameGuy a dit :

Ok so you agree that an efficient, safe, reliable public transit system shouldn't have to show a bottom line profit to be profitable to society. Good. I guess you're a social liberalist like me after all. 😉

They could and can turn profits of course, doesn't need to be 100% from ridership, it could be from lands around and above the metro stations, privatize some bus lines, reduce bus size for some lines and schedules, offer uber type rides for remote areas instead of busses, privatize some operations, hike fees to represent the value earned of travelling by transit... lets just agree that free transit, fee freezes, unused lands, subpar services and operations are not the answer.

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52 minutes ago, mtlurb said:

But they do, having them, mean thousands of jobs are created which supports our public services, this is the profit. Not having a toll on every corner, doesn't mean revenus and profits aren't created somewhere in the market. Same thing for the sewage or schools, the profit are indirect by enhancing hygiene and education, which in turn cost less to society in the end.

Eduction + Hygiene - cost of infra - cost of not doing anything = profit.

But you've contradicted yourself. Yes, we are going way off topic here, but I just like to point out the contradiction in your statements. It's OK for our poorly maintained, inefficient roadways, dysfunctional healthcare system, crumbling infrastructure, and overcrowded schools to not turn a profit, because "[n]ot having a toll on every corner, doesn't mean revenus and profits aren't created somewhere in the market," but an imperfect public transit system must somehow derive a bottom line fiscal profit (as opposed to the assumed, philosophical profits of the other services) in order to be considered viable?

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il y a une heure, SameGuy a dit :

But you've contradicted yourself. Yes, we are going way off topic here, but I just like to point out the contradiction in your statements. It's OK for our poorly maintained, inefficient roadways, dysfunctional healthcare system, crumbling infrastructure, and overcrowded schools to not turn a profit, because "[n]ot having a toll on every corner, doesn't mean revenus and profits aren't created somewhere in the market," but an imperfect public transit system must somehow derive a bottom line fiscal profit (as opposed to the assumed, philosophical profits of the other services) in order to be considered viable?

It is not a contradiction, these services are turning a profit for all citizens, on the other hand, mass transit in Montreal (and around), is not only losing ridership (serving fewer citizens) and revenues, but also costs more to operate... so whatever "philosophical" profits we are both inferring about, are even in lesser amounts now.

The tragedy is that nothing is done, well yeah free transit for elders and special prices for students, none of that will help the cause of our "philosophical profits"...  because these two types of citizens were/are captive users, already paying their access to the system, and most probably these measures won't attract new users. But hey someone, will get more votes ;)


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Le 2023-08-25 à 13:54, p_xavier a dit :

J'ai rien entendu sur l'achat de voitures de plus pour le prolongement. Kekun sait?  

C'est tellement malaisant... C'était inclus dans l'appel d'offres de 2010 et ils ont été livrés mais le projet prend tellement de temps à démarrer que ces Azur ont été mise en service sur la ligne verte depuis 5-6 ans...

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Le 2023-08-25 à 13:54, p_xavier a dit :

J'ai rien entendu sur l'achat de voitures de plus pour le prolongement. Kekun sait?  

Je pense pas qu’ils aient besoin d’en acheter plus, il me semble qu’avec les derniers achats de Azur ils sont largement en surplus.

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il y a une heure, champdemars a dit :

Je pense pas qu’ils aient besoin d’en acheter plus, il me semble qu’avec les derniers achats de Azur ils sont largement en surplus.

Champ de mars... Ils ont eu l'option d'achat pour les Azur de la ligne bleue lors de la première livraison... En plus de deux rames supplémentaires gratuites, en guillemet, à cause des problèmes informatiques... En plus qu'en 2018.. Couillard avant de partir, pour sauver La Pocatière, à commander l'équivalent si je me souviens bien, du tiers du restant des MR-73 à potentiellement remplacer... C'est ça!

Quelqu'un pour me corriger lol !

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Il y a 7 heures, johan a dit :

Champ de mars... Ils ont eu l'option d'achat pour les Azur de la ligne bleue lors de la première livraison... En plus de deux rames supplémentaires gratuites, en guillemet, à cause des problèmes informatiques... En plus qu'en 2018.. Couillard avant de partir, pour sauver La Pocatière, à commander l'équivalent si je me souviens bien, du tiers du restant des MR-73 à potentiellement remplacer... C'est ça!

Quelqu'un pour me corriger lol !

L’option dont tu parles c’est ce que Couillard a utilisé il me semble pour lancer une 2ième livraison et acheter des trains qui n’étaient pas encore requis pour le service.

Tu le dis toi-même, ils valent le tiers des MR-73 qui eux roulent encore, donc on a un excédent. Ces trains n’ont pas été remplacés.

Les MR-73 seront éventuellement remplacés dans leur intégralité lorsque viendra le temps et donc on en aura pas moins.



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