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Skyline de Montréal ​

Le Fou

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3 hours ago, Ousb said:

Coup de coeur du jour !


Awesome, that's definitely the most beautiful MTL skyline I've ever seen though I wonder you have to be literally below sea level to get the skyline almost on a plateau

With the J Cartier bridge, green belt and stuffs. Only the two 200m towers are missing

Wish there were several HD shots at different times of the day

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Il y a 7 heures, Flo a dit :

Awesome, that's definitely the most beautiful MTL skyline I've ever seen though I wonder you have to be literally below sea level to get the skyline almost on a plateau


I asked him where the picture was taken from, im still waiting for the answer

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Il y a 21 heures, Ousb a dit :

Coup de coeur du jour !


Superbe trouvaille, Ousb ! Pour notre plaisir, la voici en plus grand



Greater Montreal par Nate Silver, sur Instagram:)


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