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Could you imagine if Montreal annexed part of Westmount?? :eek:


That would be something! En agissant comme elles le font actuellement, les autorités de Westmount sont en train de se peinturer dans un coin pas mal serré. Either way, elles devront plier, aller en cours et gaspiller l'argent de leur contribuables, ou se faire "annexer" la rue Glenn (improbable). Dans tous les cas, Westmount perd la face. Quelle attitude insignifiante.

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God damn Westmount. Cooperate already... this hospital is in your own interests too.


I hope the threat materializes and Glen rd. is annexed.


Upload Glen Rd. to the MTQ and build a freeway spur to the Ville-Marie and Sherbrooke :D There is plenty of room to the west of the street to twin that sucker into a divided boulevard, at least between St. Jacques and Ste. Catherine...

Modifié par Cyrus
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Has anyone seen that about a kilometer east of the Glen site there is another tower crane? Which project is that for? Another MUHC building?


I've seen it too, it seems to be in Westmount near the corner of Hillside and, uhh, Hillside. I think it's for renovations to the appartment/condo building as opposed to new construction.

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