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REM - Prolongement vers Dorval


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il y a une heure, SameGuy a dit :

Yes, so why does CDPQi keep getting asked about it? Marc Garneau last spoke about it in September and said no decisions will be made until after the federal election in October. Has anyone asked Minister Garneau about it since then?

I appreciate your sense of logic.  I will do my best to answer, from my own perspective (which is neither attached to the CDPQ-i or the federal government).

1)  The CDPQ-i would still have to agree to the proposed extension, even if others pay for it.  It's like your neighbour asking that you paint your door in black: even if he offers to pay for the job, you still have to agree (and maybe your wife too,  especially if she likes the red door...*).  In the case here (REM extension), it is obviously not merely a matter of liking or not: the proposed extension might have impacts (both positive and negative) on the revenues generated by the REM network: these impacts must be assessed, and  a compensating formula developed and agreed upon, in advance.  This issue would be irrelevant if there was a single public operator for all transit modes in the Montreal area, but this is not the case.  The CDPQ-i's participation in the REM is for profit.

2)  The federal cabinet may "make a decision" about the funding it is prepared to offer under certain  conditions, but it does not have the power to unilaterally "decide" to proceed with construction.   In effect, this means that discussions between the CDPQ-i, the federal government (and the provincial government as well) will have to take place, and an agreement reached.  A first step would be for the federal government to take a position (which is in effect a decision in itself),  giving a mandate to federal negotiators.  Whether this position would be made public by the minister, or not,  in advance of the discussions/negotiations, is a matter in the realms of politics.   

3) In retrospect, the REM project (phase one) could have included, from the outset, a link to Dorval station.  But then, the agreement between the CDPQ-i, the federal government, the provincial government and other related parties would have been different; in any scenario, the CDPQ-i had to ensure that its involvement would be profitable in all likeliness.

4) Hopefully, everyone should realize that the current issue is not merely a matter of costing the proposed extension, and agreeing on a cost-sharing formula.

* An image inspired by the same good old guys who just gave us "Living in a G---- Town"

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  • 3 semaines plus tard...
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REM: pressions pour un lien vers Montréal-Trudeau
Journal Métro  |  Lachine & Dorval  |  13:38 28 juillet 2020  |  mise à jour le: 28 juillet 2020 à 16:21 - temps de lecture: 3 minutes  |  Par:  Éric Martel, Métro

Photo: Archives - Journal Métro  |  La gare de Dorval est située à moins d’un kilomètre de l’aéroport international Montréal-Trudeau.

Pour des raisons économiques et environnementales, il faut financer l’extension du Réseau express métropolitain (REM) entre la Gare VIA Rail et l’aéroport Montréal-Trudeau, déclare la Chambre de commerce de l’Ouest-de-l’Île de Montréal (CCOM).

La station YUL-Aéroport-Montréal-Trudeau est la seule qui ne fait pas partie de l’entente de financement de la Caisse de dépôt et placement ainsi que de ses partenaires pour le REM. Selon certaines études, sa réalisation pourrait coûter environ 250 M$.

Dépendantes des activités d’Aéroports de Montréal (ADM), plusieurs entreprises de l’ouest de Montréal perdent des revenus. Le prolongement du REM au cours des prochaines années pourrait servir de tremplin pour les relancer, estime le président de la CCOM, Joseph Huzza.

«ADM est notre moteur économique le plus important. Appuyer le projet, c’est appuyer nos communautés», justifie-t-il.

Le lien de quelque 700 mètres attirerait des passagers d’autres régions, comme l’Ontario. «Ça donnerait un outil supplémentaire aux gens de l’extérieur pour s’y rendre, ce qui devrait créer une augmentation de l’achalandage», soutient M. Huzza

Ouvrir l’ouest

Avec une nouvelle station, les Lachinois et les Dorvalois pourraient se rendre plus facilement au centre-ville de Montréal alors que les résidents de l’est auraient plus de facilité à voyager de l’autre côté de la ville.

«L’impact ne serait pas à négliger, les gens pourraient venir y travailler sans voiture, ce qui aiderait des entreprises à émerger. Le tourisme serait aussi stimulé», plaide M. Huzza.

D’autres acteurs, tels que les maires de Dorval Edgard Rouleau et de Saint-Laurent, Alan DeSousa, appuient le projet.

ADM est présentement en pourparlers avec les deux ordres de gouvernement afin de contracter un prêt pour mener à terme le projet.

«La pandémie a des effets drastiques sur les finances de notre organisation, explique la directrice des relations médias, Anne-Sophie Hamel. Dans l’état actuel des choses, nous avons l’argent pour poursuivre les travaux préparatoires qui sont en cours jusqu’en septembre.»

Sans aide financière d’ici un mois et demi, ADM estime qu’elle devra arrêter ses chantiers.


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  • 1 mois plus tard...
49 minutes ago, gedeonking said:

I have my fingers crossed that progress and logic take precedence over the usual politics. Every level of government has passed the buck to the Feds, but all concerned parties are in favour of the extension.

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il y a 6 minutes, SameGuy a dit :

I have my fingers crossed that progress and logic take precedence over the usual politics.

In this particular case, what do you imply/ what should be the best outcome?

And what do you have in mind when referring to the "usual politics"?  --Perhaps a quarrel over cost-sharing and/or governance?  -- Let us not forget that it is the CDPQ-i, and not the federal or the provincial government, who has a commanding lead into the whole REM project.  Predictably, an extension of the REM to Dorval would have implications for ridership and operating income.  And the design of the Airport Line and Station would need to be modified as well.  

Hopefully, the federal study has given full consideration to these factors.

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1 minute ago, Né entre les rapides said:

Perhaps a quarrel over cost-sharing and/or governance?

Exactly this!

CDPQi has also indicated they are in favour, but they are only the developer and will do it if the government gives the go-ahead. Let’s assume for a moment that it changes nothing from the current plan, and the vault for the Aéroport station is still built with two tracks, and the extended single tail track now continues south of the Circle. We can assume the largest cost won’t be the tunnel, but an entirely new intermodal hub at Dorval: two platform (or central platform) REM terminus, and more-centralized, complementary CP (exo) and CN (VIA) line stations above, plus easy connections to parking, STM bus terminus, and the south side of the Circle for pedestrians. Much of that will indeed fall to the Feds’ ledgers, with TQ paying for the STM and pedestrian stuff. Ottawa and Québec should split the rest. I don’t know if the Caisse would be asked or required to pay any of it, having met the original mandate of serving the airport.

I'm also curious if they’ll mention any aid (zero-interest loans) for ADM tomorrow.





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Yet another article that says what we’ve already learned earlier today about the ongoing discussions between the various concerned parties for help financing the YUL airports station, but this had one line at the end that I haven’t seen elsewhere today:

“A report commissioned by the federal government and obtained by Global News concludes the benefits of extending the REM line from the Trudeau airport to a future REM station in Dorval would attract more than 13,000 daily users to the Dorval station by 2024.“

😳 That’s more than the Trajectoire Québec study last year predicted.

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