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OCPM : Ancien Hôpital Royal Victoria et de l’Institut Allan Memorial


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In my opinion, as an insider, this would be the greatest financial fiasco in a Quebec University's history, far beyond Ilot Voyageur. Like, by a factor of 10 or 15 times worse. The business proposal is so unrealistic and it's not even aligned with the long term plan of the University. The cost to taxpayers would be astronomical, with an expected return on investment and payback period that makes the Olympic Stadium look like the best public works project in history. Mark my words, this can only lead to disaster.


Instead, let's see if we (McGill) can deliver on our commitment to the Quartier de l'Innovation. So far, all I've seen is empty promises and cocktails...


Ton intervention est intéressante et allume certains feux jaunes. C'est sûr que le site est gigantesque en matière de surface de plancher et qu'il est aussi très vétuste pour certains bâtiments. J'ai moi aussi pensé qu'il fallait être prudent pour éviter de tomber dans un piège semblable à l'Ilot Voyageur. Je croirais qu'avant même d'avancer dans ce dossier, il faudrait connaitre les vrais besoins de l'Université dans un horizon raisonnable. Cela pour ne pas engager des travaux interminables et passer à côté d'une véritable reconversion, bien intégrée aux besoins et à la nature du quartier. Certains édifices particuliers pourraient peut-être réservés en priorité pour McGill, sans que ce soit l'ensemble de l'institution.


On aura sûrement d'autres sons de cloche dans ce projet qui est loin d'être finalisé. L'intention est bonne à prime abord, mais il ne faudra pas que ce soit une nouvelle version de la grenouille et le boeuf.

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  • 2 mois plus tard...
Report into repurposing the Royal Vic urges caution




MONTREAL — McGill University has the blessing of a government-appointed panel of experts to continue to pursue its dream of repurposing the soon-to-be-vacated Royal Victoria Hospital for its campus.

But the committee that studied the future of the Royal Vic and Hôtel-Dieu hospitals, led by Université de Montréal urbanism professor Marie Lessard, also warned in a report made public on Tuesday that there are risks associated with McGill’s proposal and that the government should proceed with some caution.


The report says redeveloping the Royal Vic property is not a matter of a simple transformation of a building, but a project of great complexity that must be handled delicately, must have a broad consensus and may have hidden costs that could significantly increase the price tag.


The committee does note, however, that McGill is so far the only interested party and that there is a natural connection between the university and the Royal Vic based on their proximity.


“The committee of independent experts did a thorough study so their recommendation that the Royal Vic go to McGill is a strong endorsement,” said Olivier Marcil, vice-principal of communications for McGill.


It is not known when the Quebec government will decide what to do with the properties. But the Liberals set aside $50 million in its budget to do feasibility studies on projects it wants to prioritize, and the hospitals were on the list of projects to be studied.


Leaving the buildings empty has a cost as well, said the report: about $2.2 million per year for Hôtel-Dieu and about $4.8 million for the Vic.


The report says the two sites offer an “exceptional and rare opportunity” to revitalize important urban areas with a chance of benefiting the entire Montreal population.


At the top of the committee’s list of concerns about the redevelopment of the Royal Vic is the financing of what would be a huge project, with an early cost estimate of about $850 million. (Remember that the original cost estimate of the McGill University Hospital Centre was about $850 million, but that has ballooned to more than $1.3 billion, or $2.2 billion for the entire redevelopment, including a long-term maintenance contract and renovations to the Montreal General Hospital.)


Lessard said Wednesday that there is uncertainty both about McGill’s ability to obtain dual provincial and federal funding for the project, as it proposed, and about its own ability to assume its one-third share of the cost.


“We agree with McGill developing it, but it is not the role of all Quebecers to pay for the project,” Lessard said. “McGill is convinced they can do it, but we are afraid they may lack the financial resources.”


Marcil said that’s why it’s important to go ahead with a feasibility study.


“McGill won’t be able to commit to the project until we have a clear idea of how much it will cost,” he said on Wednesday. “Whatever the scenario, though, the majority of the funding will have to come from the governments.”


There could be hidden costs as well, said the report, such as discovering asbestos that has to be removed.


The report cites the complexity of any kind of project for either hospital, noting their heritage value and their important locations in the heart of the city and, in the case of the Royal Vic, right on the slopes of Mount Royal.


“Whatever projects ultimately go there, they must enhance the city as well as serving an institutional purpose,” Lessard said.


While there is only one interested party for the Royal Vic, she said, there are many interested parties for Hôtel-Dieu, so more work will need to be done to determine the best use of the building. Among the ideas proposed, she said, are a school, an international research organization and social housing.


McGill’s vision for the Royal Vic is to gut the 120-year-old hospital but preserve its heritage buildings; knock down the buildings with no heritage value; build cutting-edge teaching and research facilities; open up pathways to the mountain for all Montrealers to use and turn several parking lots into green space.


It may be in its early stages, but the university is dreaming big. Its proposed plan calls for a massive glass dome covering a 2,000 seat convocation hall that could also be used for community events.


McGill’s goal is to create a landmark site that will be the pride of Montrealers, Quebecers and the McGill community — and to provide a new user-friendly and wider gateway to Mount Royal from downtown.


The site would also solve McGill’s known space deficit.


“It is a project we would do responsibly in partnership with people who care about the mountain,” Marcil said.


Sylvie Guilbault, director of Les amis de la montagne, said it’s too early to really comment on McGill’s proposal and she hasn’t yet read the recent report by the panel of experts.


Whatever project goes there, she said, must make the mountain accessible.


“The city must gain from the transformation, not lose,” she said.


Marcil said that, too, is McGill’s goal and the project would restore green spaces.


And he said it would be nice to launch something official at Montreal’s 375th anniversary in 2017.



- 49 per cent reduction in paved area.


- 23 per cent reduction of built areas.


- Number of visible floors reduced by four.


- Atrium conservatory of 2,000 places.


- 40 per cent increase in green spaces (equal to about four football fields).


- 22 per cent of the site would be available for a partnership.

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  • 8 mois plus tard...

L'atrium au centre semble assez intéressant.


Hôpital Royal Victoria: mégaprojet de 1G$ à l’Université McGill


Par Mathieu Charest

Les Affaires


L’Université McGill veut mettre la main sur l’hôpital Royal Victoria, et y investir 1G$.


Le déménagement de l’hôpital Royal Victoria vers le nouveau site Glen sera complété le 26 avril prochain. Mais s’il n’en tient qu’à l’Université McGill, les bâtiments patrimoniaux ne seront pas vides longtemps. L’institution veut agrandir ses locaux, et vite.


Afin de prendre de l’expansion, l’Université veut mettre la main sur le complexe désuet. L’administration espère que les infrastructures lui seront cédées gratuitement, et que Québec, comme Ottawa, va financer une partie du projet, évalué à 1G$.


Cependant, aucune annonce n’a encore été faite quant au financement lors du dévoilement des détails, au cours du forum Grands projets, présenté par la Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain, vendredi.




«L’Université a désespérément besoin d’espaces additionnels pour soutenir son rythme de croissance», ont soutenu Olivier Marcil et Suzanne Fortier, respectivement vice-principal aux communications externes et principale et vice-chancelière, à McGill.


Le projet prévoit un nouvel accès piéton au Mont-Royal, un atrium ouvert au grand public, et la réduction de la hauteur de certains bâtiments. Les plans prévoient également une réduction de 50% des espaces asphaltés sur la montagne, afin d’augmenter la superficie des espaces verts.


La direction de McGill espère que le projet sera réalisé pour 2021-2022, au moment où l’Université va fêter son 200e anniversaire.



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L’achat du Royal Vic par l’Université McGill est ce qui peut arriver de mieux pour Montréal. :goodvibes:


Le Royal Victoria est la continuité urbaine du campus McGill, une concentration d’immeubles de qualité inestimable que l’Université McGill ne manquera pas de mettre en valeur. Il y a aussi cette possibilité d’ouvrir un nouvel accès au parc du Mont-Royal dans l’axe de la rue University, liens que je souhaitais depuis longtemps.

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