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Tour des Canadiens 2 - 53 étages (2019)


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49 minutes ago, Mâtréal said:

Je dirais qu’il reste plus ou moins 14 étages à monter.

Okay, I can live with that- 14 more stories to go.  We know TDC II (at 166 metres) has to be taller that the Deloitte Tower (the 2 towers now appear almost the same height).  The 14 floors more will make the difference.  The Stock Exchange Tower looks so lonely off in the distance in the second picture of the last photo set (by Rocco).  Remember they had specs for 3 (bourse) towers back in the '60's when they built that tower?

Salut, tout le monde!  I put a couple bottles on ice for later on just before midnight.  

Modifié par newyorkontario
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il y a une heure, mtlrdp a dit :

That area is going to look very impressive when TDC3  starts going  up  (this spring?)

One more tall tower: neither the beginning nor the end of it.  Once TDC3 is up, attention will turn to what's still yet to come.  I am not attempting to minimize the impact of TDC3, but just to put it in perspective.

If I wanted to go further, I might add that most of the projects still on the drawing board or at an early stage of development are already part of our mindset.  We are constantly setting the bar higher!  --We will never be fully impressed,  as long as we keep our eyes turned toward the future.  

When real estate development will slow down, the prevailing feeling will be of something missing, much more than the pride of all that will have been accomplished in the years past.  Strange but normal.

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