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Chaboillez Square




City of Montreal, Montreal, Canada

Scope of Work

Optimization study of the Chaboillez Square site for a 2.4 million sq. ft. real estate development.


This 194,000 sq. ft. site was chosen for the construction of 2.4 million sq. ft. of office space, distributed mainly in three towers (25+ floors each) built on a 10-floor podicum. The personnel at Plania, Dessau's urban planning and landscape architecture subsidiary, created several different development scenarios.


This allowed the team to select the option that best balanced development costs, profitability and urban integration issues, while minimizing impacts on local traffic.




* Reconcile urban, economic and functional requirements.


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Thanks for the scoop MARTY! WEll done!


What I'm trying to figure out is, they talk about 2.4 million sq feet of office space divided into 3 towers. 2.4 million / 3 towers = 800,000 sq feet per tower (approx the same as 1000 de la Gauchetière) Obviously i'm not expecting 50 storey towers!! :rolleyes: They then go on to say that there will be a 10 storey podium that the towers will be built upon. Is the office space located in the podium or just the towers?


Anyways, I think that with all the projects that are ready to go (SITQ, Westcliff, Magil Laurentien, Canderel) this project might never see the day. Atually, I wouldn't be surprised if they reduce the office component(Limit the office space to the 10 storey podium), and add some condos to this project.(in the towers)

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Chaboillez Square




City of Montreal, Montreal, Canada


Ceci est une Vision, même pas proposé.


C'est commandé par la Ville de Montréal afin de renflouer les coffres de Dessau.


Je ne vois pas d'autres raisons.


Payer 500,000 $ pour se faire dire par une firme d'ingénieur conseil qu'un terrain au centre-ville peut acceuillir des bureaux, je trouve ça scandaleux.

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Le planétarium actuel est un bel exemple d'architecture des années 60.

J'aimerais bien qu'il ne soit pas démoli.

De plus, il y a de beaux grands arbres tout autour.

On ne peux pas dire qu'ils sont en surnombre dans le quartier.


Ce n'est pas le cas de tout ce qui a été construit durant cette période.

Il y a tant de laideur ou je me ferais un plaisir avec un bulldozer.

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