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Is it real or is it Indiana Jones? Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology clears up any confusion while taking visitors on a meticulously designed journey through the real and the imagined world of archeology.


The exhibition, which is at the Montreal Science Centre until Sept. 28, was launched last week in the presence of representatives from all the creative partners. Lucasfilms Ltd. provided props and film footage from the four Indiana Jones movies, precious archaeological artifacts were selected from the vast archives at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, and film footage and photos of real archeological digs were supplied by the National Geographic Society. Local artifacts came from the city of Montreal’s collection.


John Rhys-Davies added a touch of Hollywood glamour to the event. The actor, who co-starred with Harrison Ford in Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, flew in from New Zealand to attend the opening.


Rhys-Davies described the exhibition as “extraordinary” and thanked Montreal for “having the people and genius to put it together.”


Montreal is the only city in North America to host the exhibition. It will tour Europe and Asia for six years following the local run.


The backbone of the 929-square-metre exhibition is a winding corridor called The Indie Trail, off which you access four distinct zones inspired by the four stages in an archeologist’s research process. On display are superb materials from the four Indiana Jones movies, including Harrison Ford’s costume, the “crystal skull,” the Ark of the Covenant and Kate Capshaw’s red sequined dress (actually, Capshaw’s second red dress, since the first one, we learn, got eaten by an elephant.)


The launch of the exhibition coincides with the 30th anniversary of the release of the first Indiana Jones film.


Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology is at the Montreal Science Centre until Sept. 28. For more information, visit


(Courtesy of the National Post)


I thought there was a topic on this already :confused: I searched and I didn't see anything pop up.

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Ceci m'apparait comme une très bonne exposition qui devrait attirer beaucoup de visiteurs de tous les horizons. Les films étaient effectivement excellents et ont connu un véritable succès mondial, espérons que l'expo en fera autant.

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