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Pour les séries de la Coupe Stanley, le SPVM a développé un plan en plusieurs phases, qui se veut graduel, selon la progression du club de hockey dans les séries de fin de saison. Cela se traduit notamment par l'augmentation graduelle des effectifs policiers autour de l'amphithéâtre et des principales artères commerciales de la ville.



Ouin méchant plan! 5 voitures de police incendiées, vitrines fracassées, Foot Locker vandalisé, foule incontrolable pendant plus de deux heures, etc... Nous aurons droit encore aux mea culpa policier habituel qui dira réajuster le tir la prochaine fois. Non mais c qui le cave au SPVM???

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Salut les filles!


J'étais au Centre Bell hier soir, et je peux vous dire que c'étais la folie à l'intérieur du Temple.


Vraiment fou!


J'ai ensuit prise quelques minutes pour me promener en ville à pieds. Juste pour vivre l'atmosphere. C'était vraiment fou!


Dommage qu'il y a toujours des imbéciles qui ruinent la fête!


On to round number 2. Bring on the Rags or the flyers!

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I never knew we had this many cavemen in Montreal! Bunch of idiotic morons...and what's with the booing of the American National Anthem. Low friggin class... last I checked, Komisarek, Higgins, Smolinski are Americans and many more in the minors. It looks like we have to get several francophone and anglophone hockey players to make a pre-game public announcement about not booing and to behave after the game. Friggin neanderthals.

Other than that, I'm extremely proud of our hockey team. The Begins, LaPierre's, Komisarek, Kostitsyns, Kovalev and of course our Captain Koivu who literally transformed this sagging team and lead them to round two. LAst but not least who can forget the iceman Carey Price!! Huge saves in the 1st propelled the habs to this victory. The wind is now on our sails...bring on the Rangers or the Flyers.

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Bon voici deux de mes vidéos. Je veux juste clarifier une chose : les gens qui sont venus faire de la marde ne savaient même pas le score final et sont arrivés une heure après la fin de la game. Ces gens là sont venu que pour faire de la marde et profiter du fait qu'une foule allait les couvrir.



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I never knew we had this many cavemen in Montreal! Bunch of idiotic morons...and what's with the booing of the American National Anthem. Low friggin class... last I checked, Komisarek, Higgins, Smolinski are Americans and many more in the minors. It looks like we have to get several francophone and anglophone hockey players to make a pre-game public announcement about not booing and to behave after the game. Friggin neanderthals.

Other than that, I'm extremely proud of our hockey team. The Begins, LaPierre's, Komisarek, Kostitsyns, Kovalev and of course our Captain Koivu who literally transformed this sagging team and lead them to round two. LAst but not least who can forget the iceman Carey Price!! Huge saves in the 1st propelled the habs to this victory. The wind is now on our sails...bring on the Rangers or the Flyers.


These riots were started by gangs who had ski masks on, and took advantage of the crowds to create havoc.


Most Habs fans we having fun and weren'T looking to stir up shit. Even the police said so earlier today. They arrested 16 individuals(including 3 minors).


I was at the game last night, and I can tell you that it was a small minority of people who booed. Most people around me were simply cheering as loud as they could.

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monctezuma, Nice Vids! L'ambiance est là! Mais pour les destructions de 16 chars de polices (5-6 incendiées) et de plusieurs vitrines commerçantes fracassées en plus des vols c'est vriamnet désolant.....:(


P.S. Are you an old Banjo fan??? Cuz I am...

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We can probably fill 2 Bell Centres-sized Arenas in Montreal with the current ticket prices...and maybe 4 if the prices we significantly lower.


Bringing back the Montreal Maroons would be an excellent idea. However, as mentioned, it would be either very difficult or impossible. The NHL would probably be more favourable to adding another team in Toronto than in Montreal any ways.


One reason why Ottawa got a hockey team in 1992 and not Hamilton was that even though Hamilton's bid for a team was better, they were too close to other NHL markets (Toronto, Buffalo, Detroit). It is quite evident that the NHL does not want to have its already fragile NHL markets fragmented. That said, I'm sure Montreal can support two, if not three NHL teams! Maybe if someone is rich enough and presents a viable bid for an expansion team in Montreal then its a possibility.

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Toronto and Montreal could both support second teams but I doubt that happening. The Leafs and Habs have market rights to 2 of the most lucrative hockey markets in the world. Unless they're very well compensated it wont happen. And yes, Chris you're absolutely right. Hamilton's bid was significantly better then Ottawa's, plus they had a state of the art arena and yet the NHL chose Ottawa, says enough about how the Leafs feel about having another team in their zoo.


Also, if someone is going to pay the Leafs to put a team in Southern Ontario, it should be in Mississauga and not Hamilton. Anyways, that's where I feel they'd have better success.

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You guys seem to have short term memories. Doesn't anyone remember when the Habs sucked, how the team wasn't doing sooo well economically speaking. I remember going to games back in 98-99-00-01 where the Bell centre had 3 to 4000 empty seats. Remember Boivin telling everyone that the team as losing 15-20 million$ per year!!


Remember how when Molson decided to sell the Habs and the Bell Centre for a ridiculously low price, nobody in Montreal or Québec stood up and tried to purchase the team?? Jezus fvcking christ of Latterday Saints! I was truly ashamed to be a Montrealer that day! Not because an american bought our storied team, but because nobody in the fvcking province stood up and said: "I'll buy them!" Gillett bought the Habs and the Bell Centre for 200 million $. Back then the Habs by themselves were worth 200 million$. Which means that he got a state of the art building for free. Today the Habs are worth close to 300 million$ and the Bell Centre's municipal Evaluation is at approx 150 million$. What a bargain for Uncle George!


If nobody was willing to stand up when Molson was almost GIVING AWAY the Habs, what makes you think that this poor city could afford another NHL team?


Secondly, putting a team in the West Island would be a recipe for a sure failure. The West Island holds about 260,000 people, while the eastern part of the Island has 1 million people. If the people who lived out west didin't want to travel east to watch the Expos, do you think the people in the more populous eastern part will want to go all the way to the West Island?(where there is no Métro) I highly doubt it! If a second team were ever brought to Montreal, it would have to be close to downtown. The Furthest west it could be located is around where the Old Forum used to be.


But I continue to believe that what we are experiencing right now will not last. All these "new" fans are just bandwagon fans. 10-15 years from now when the Habs will suck, we'll see how many of these "new" fans are left!


especially with all the hockey fans in Montreal who hate the Canadiens and their love for their past, insistance on having a Francophones(coaches, players).


This has got to be the most misguided statement I've read on the subject. This is Habsland buddy. There aren't many people who do not like the Habs here. You,ll find a few hundred people who cheer for the Bruins, or the Avalanche, but nowhere near enough people to warrant a second team. Funny how when the team wins, nobody insists on the fact that there aren'T many francophones on the team!


Like many of you already mentionned, the Habs have rights over the entire province of Québec, except for the Outaouais region(The Hens), and they'd never allow a second team to move into their backyard. Mark my words: THEY NEVER ALLOW ANOTHER TEAM IN THEIR BACKYARD!!NEVER!!


Lastly, i'm just not sure that this city has enough corporate sponsorship(GUTS) to support a second NHL Team. That would mean that you'd have to find at least another 100 companies who would be willing to dish out 200,000$ per year for corporate skyboxes, and another 7,000 to 8,000 companies who would be willing to spend money on season tickets.

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Hey Habsfan,


Yes you are right about the 1998-2001 era. It was a sad time to be a Montreal Canadiens fan and it was quite a surprise to see that no one in the province was willing to purchase the Habs. However that was a different time and is not representative of the situation we are in today. Back then, the dollar was at $0.62 US, the team was losing money and they weren't making the playoffs. Today, the dollar is at par, we have a new collective bargaining agreement which introduced the cap, and the team is doing very well. The way things are going right now, yes we can fill another Bell Centre-sized arena for a hockey game.


I remember several years ago when there used to be thousands of empty seats (sometimes attendence levels dipped lower than 18,000), but those were the dark ages. The Habs have embarked on a new marketing campaign and our team is more popular than ever. That's just my two cents.

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