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Speaking of well known builders, anyone know anything about the Central beside the Sofia? I'm thinking of buying a condo there, but I can't really find anything about the builder (Acmon?) and whether it's a good project or not. So if anyone knows anything about the Central please share.


And to stay on topic, I too thought that Cartierville was a reputable builder....

Also, I find it weird that even though they're having trouble selling their units, they still raised the prices. I've been looking for a condo in the area for awhile now and was astounded to find out how much the prices had increased at the Sofia compared to last year.

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  • 4 semaines plus tard...

Il paraît que certains condos sont presque prêts et seront livrés dans les prochaines semaines. Pourtant REMAX ont sur leur site web certains condos non vendus et indiquent que la livraison est pour juillet 2012. Est-ce qu'il y a des acheteurs qui ont déjà pris possession?

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

C'est effectivement affreux et donne une impression d'ultra-cheap. Mais bon, ce coin de la ville est tellement trash que littéralement n'importe quoi est le bienvenue.

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