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STM: Remplacement des voitures du Métro


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How come the métro has been running for 44 years and people are only now complaining about the lack of air conditioning?


They actually complained almost immediately and there was a crash where one driver passed out from the heat... that is when they put those big "scoops" on the roofs with much bigger ventilation fans, and A/C for the drivers.

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Cela l'est naturellement mais les trains et le peuple dégagent plus de chaleur. il faudrait faire des échangeurs de chaleur dans les stations problèmatiques


Mais tant que les trains vont dégager de la chaleur au freinage, il va toujours faire chaud. Plus tu dégage de chaleur, plus il faudra une grande une grande surface d'échange. (plus de tuyeaux + long et plus profond).


Et il y a énormément d'énergie dans une trame de métro a 40-50 Km/h


Non je parle de système par géothermie, la température de la terre a certaine profondeurs est toujours constante à 10c ou moins je crois bien.


C'est pas parceque c'est sous-terrain que c'est refroidie optimalement.

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Non je parle de système par géothermie, la température de la terre a certaine profondeurs est toujours constante à 10c ou moins je crois bien.


C'est pas parceque c'est sous-terrain que c'est refroidie optimalement.


Ce que tu parles est effectivement un climatiseur conventionnel avec le condensateur mis dans un reservoir d'eau qui est ensuite circule dans le terre a un profondeur relativement grande... (en anglais - ground-source heat pump). Generalement l'efficacite est mieux qu'un climatiseur air-air parce que le temperature est plus faible sur le cote chaud... (ou bien, plus chaud sur le cote froide dans l'hiver). Mais le probleme des courants d'air et les tunnels, etc reste toujours...

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If no A/C how about barriers similar to ones in Asia. So people stop jumping in front of the metro.


I am actually surprised no one complains about the people trying to commit suicide and slow down or ruin peoples day.

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  • 4 semaines plus tard...

Bombardier won contracts in Brazil (monorail) and Australia (tram). Yet at home. We are stuck, still with bs.


The Spanish rail company that succeeded in prying back open the Montreal metro contract was found yesterday to have "systematically" violated the 60-per-cent U.S. content requirement for a subway it built for Houston -the same local-content rules required by Quebec.


An investigation by the U.S. Federal Transit Administration found "alarming and disturbing" results that "reveal a series of systematic efforts through which (Houston) Metro and CAF sought to bypass numerous federal rules."


"These rules are designed to ensure the integrity of procurements involving taxpayer funds and the requirement to use taxpayer funds in a manner to maximize the creation and sustainment of well-paying jobs here at home."


Quebec and the Societe de transport de Montreal use identical language and arguments, as well as the same 60-per-cent local sourcing stipulation.


The contract is a rich one, between $3 billion and $4 billion, and has had a series of stops, starts, reversals and restarts since 2005, when it bypassed an open bidding process and was awarded to local firm Bombardier Inc.


But a CAF spokesperson in Quebec said "there is no doubt and no worry" that the Montreal metro will meet local procurement stipulations.


"The company has committed itself clearly to make sure that the minimum requirements are met, if not surpassed," Philippe Roy said.


Also yesterday, the well-regarded journalist website Rue-Frontenac. com disclosed that three former top Bombardier rail executives were behind the unexpected bid by Spain's Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (CAF) that upended a done deal between Bombardier and the STM.


That deal was scuttled at the last minute in July, and Bombardier has filed a legal challenge to the cancellation, which is still pending.


The STM caused an uproar when it finally threw open the bidding process on July 13 -five years after it handed the deal to Bombardier.


STM spokesperson Odile Paradis said that "we respect all the laws and regulations. Don't worry, we have mechanisms in place and rules are respected in a rigorous way."


"As for the 60-per-cent content requirement, we analyze everything, everything, everything."


Roy said that "CAF has projects in Pittsburgh, Sacramento and Washington, and there are no problems there."


As for Houston, Roy said "it is certainly the wish of CAF to respect every law."


Roy would not speculate on a suggestion in RueFrontenac. com that a desire for revenge at being fired by Bombardier fuelled the three former Bombardier executives, Pierre Lortie, Jules Pleau and Adamo D'Ambrosio.


And he could not confirm revelations in RueFrontenac. com that they had met


with CAF in France to push the Spaniards to bid, or that they again met to celebrate at a Bishop St. restaurant after the July decision by the STM.


"They are consultants and their job is to finalize agreements with Quebec suppliers, as well as to find a head office in downtown Montreal and the site for a factory," Roy said.


Lortie is the best known of the trio, having been president of Bombardier Transportation between 2000 and 2003. He was roundly criticized for focusing on growth at the expense of profitability after Bombardier bought troubled German trainmaker Adtranz. Lortie quit abruptly on Nov. 25, 2003, and was eventually replaced by current titleholder Andre Navarri. The two are said to be on unfriendly terms.


(Courtesy of The Montreal Gazette)

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