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Just ignore Cyrus, Steve_36. He tends to be wrong/not know what he's talking about on most urban issues ;)


Ok, merci de me le dire car ça fait 4 fois que je lis ses réponses et que j'essaie de comprendre ce qu'il veut dire...... ou s'il est sarcastique !!!

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To be clear, the next step is not a feasability study, that has been done.


The next step, which costs $90 million for a reason, is the fully detailed engineering plans.


which will be followed by a period of begging where the provential gevt agrees to finance this thing, followed by actual construction.


So personally 5-6 years sounds pretty good.


Thanks for clarifying it. But is it ''normal'' that a engineering plan not be part of the feasability study and if yes could it be done faster than 12 to 18 months assuming the money is not the problem ?


And on the other hand, would it be possible to open the Pie-IX station after it is completed even if the rest is not done while the other station would be open roughly a year a part when completed ?


That way we could have a station ready for 2013 and from then on one a year or so. That would be a lot more interesting for the people using the transit.

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Ummm... 90 million dollars for creating the plans?


Let's say this step takes a whole year.. nah let's be generous.. two full years to do.


How many engineers are required to create these plans? Let's be generous and assume a team of 20 people.


Those 20 engineers would be paid 2.25$million per year salary?!

Okay, 100 engineers... at 450,000$?!


45 million dollars per year is enough to pay 80,000$ for over 550 engineers!


Bottom line: this seems kind of ridiculous. Does it really take that many people that many man-hours paid at extremely generous wages to come up with the plans?


I know this is complicated stuff, but it isn't that complicated..

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Ummm... 90 million dollars for creating the plans?


Let's say this step takes a whole year.. nah let's be generous.. two full years to do.


How many engineers are required to create these plans? Let's be generous and assume a team of 20 people.


Those 20 engineers would be paid 2.25$million per year salary?!

Okay, 100 engineers... at 450,000$?!


45 million dollars per year is enough to pay 80,000$ for over 550 engineers!


Bottom line: this seems kind of ridiculous. Does it really take that many people that many man-hours paid at extremely generous wages to come up with the plans?


I know this is complicated stuff, but it isn't that complicated..


In short, this proves why Quebec needs a tea party movement/center right political party to trim this bloated nanny state! :D

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In short, this proves why Quebec needs a tea party movement/center right political party to trim this bloated nanny state! :D


Christ... it's like we spend X millions on feasibility studies, then X millions on public consultations and analysis, then X more millions to come up with plans, then finally the actual cost of construction is 10% of what the entire project price tag was.

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In short, this proves why Quebec needs a tea party movement/center right political party to trim this bloated nanny state! :D


Between the nutcases of the Tea Party and the bloated nanny state there is a vast area called common sense. That is where we need to be.



Back on topic, the AMT might be announcing its plans for the metro, but they still don't have the money to build it. So even in 2015-2016, we still might be just talking about it (like the CHUM).

Modifié par ToxiK
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Back on topic, the AMT might be announcing its plans for the metro, but they still don't have the money to build it. So even in 2015-2016, we still might be just talking about it (like the CHUM).


So they can find NINETY MILLION DOLLARS to create some schematics but they can't find the money to actually build the thing?


I'm an architect and urban planner.. and i do entire designs detailed to the last millimeter for entire projects in a month's time... how on earth can it possibly cost 90$million and 2 years to design 3 metro stations?


Paging OursNoir, paging OursNoir! Are we right or wrong about this? I don't mind being wrong if you can reassure me that not a penny of those funds would be wasted!

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So they can find NINETY MILLION DOLLARS to create some schematics but they can't find the money to actually build the thing?


It is easier to find 90 million dollars for a study then to find 500 million dollars to build the metro.

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