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Platform screen doors are a relatively new device in transit systems; many ultra-busy metros the world over have employed narrow central platforms for decades without the use of such doors. IMO they are beneficial for numerous reasons, and it’s expected that the new stations will be built such that they can easily be added later on, but they’re certainly not a necessity for a staffed metro to function safely (NB even the driverless SkyTrain doesn’t employ such doors at most stations).

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Il y a 9 heures, Enalung a dit :

J'aime avoir un mur derrière moi à une station de métro. L'alternative, c'est une plateforme centrale large et couteuse comme à Lionel Groulx, on un aménagement avec un corridor central comme à Snowdown. En tant qu'usager, je ne serais pas comfortable sur une plateforme centrale étroite sans porte palière. Les portes palières permettent de réduire la taille de la plateforme et de la station tout conservant une sensation de comfort et sécurité.



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18 minutes ago, p_xavier said:



London has rebuilt several of those narrow platform stations over the last few decades. They are considered dangerous an inadequate during rush hour. What they've been doing is filling in one of the two tracks to widen the platform and building a brand new platform for the other direction.

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