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Prolongement de la ligne Orange


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Est-il besoin de dire que les libéraux se sont toujours trainé la patte pour les transports collectifs. A date leur vision a plutôt été routes et autoroutes, en priorité. J'espère que ça changera et qu'enfin on réalisera que le développement des transports électrifiés, doit être une composante essentielles du développement économique pour les prochaines années et décennies. On a un choix de société à faire et en prenant cette avenue ce sera gagnant-gagnant pour tout le monde.

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it is clear to me that Alain de Sousa is being given very bad advice or is tremendously misgoverning his own electorate.


For some reason, the goal of running a metro north to bois franc is a priority (with an extension to Laval inevitable), yet his office node at cavendish and cote vertu is getting decimated with a 30% vacancy rate and an eventual closure of the Sears DC and store creating a huge redevelopment opportunity. Instead of heading north, he should be recommending that the orange line pivots west (or the creation of an LRT) towards his major commercial tax base, with an eventual link through Liberty/NEXUX, the Technoparc and finally the P-E-T Airport.


So instead of eventually getting Laval a boost, he could entirely be reinforcing his boroughs economic dominance as the primordial suburban employment node. In addition, he calls himself the "greenest" mayor, and this extension would reduce the requirement for exterior parking lots, and densify his borough.


Not that an extension north would not be beneficial as a spur line (something that we should be considering along multiple segments of the city), but that is all it should be until Laval pays the CMM its fair share of the previous orange line extension.



I totally agree! What is the obsession with heading to Laval? They already have access and isn't it more important to have a direct link to the airport? London, Paris, and even Vancouver have a direct metro link to the airport so why shouldn't we?

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Ceux qui sont déjà embarqué dans un métro en Asie savent que la ligne orange n'est pas si saturé que cela. Il suffit de pousser quand il n'y a déjà plus de place pour paqueter encore plus les wagons. Même les agents de sécurité vous aideront dans vos démarches......:hyper:

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I totally agree! What is the obsession with heading to Laval? They already have access and isn't it more important to have a direct link to the airport? London, Paris, and even Vancouver have a direct metro link to the airport so why shouldn't we?


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You're right Skahigh a dedicated line to the airport is a non sens. Athens , Madrid, Paris having metro or train station to their airport but it's in the transit system. Paris airport having maybe like 4 times bigger pax traffic than montreal and no direct link. The same for Madrid.

Modifié par andre md
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