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Oui on a le droit de changer d'idée Mister Gilbert, surtout qu'avant on basait notre opinion sur un rendu et que maintenant on la base sur un produit fini.


Désolé mon cher rocco, mais le produit fini respecte parfaitement le rendu que les gens vénéraient. Produit fini, d'ailleurs, qui ne sucite aucune mauvaises critiques de l'extérieur, sauf peut-être à propos de son nom.


Pour finir, mon cher rocco, je n'ai jamais dit qu'on ne pouvait pas changer d'idée.

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  • 3 semaines plus tard...
a website in the US, Penthouse is available for US$2,865,000 including parking and 3 lockers


WOW that's cheap! Originally they were asking for 3.5 million$ for the penthouse. Looks like they are having a hard time finding a buyer for this unit.


I just realized I never introduced myself to the group. Where are my manners?


Welcome aboard Deyanira!!

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But at the same time it kinda makes sense. I mean, would you really spend all that money on a hotel based suite? For 3 millions I rather have a place with no strangers checking in on my main floor. Then again, that's my opinion.


I wonder if the home owners get a separate elevator- I haven't seen the floor plans.


There was another ultra expensive condo in old Montreal for 3.7 million, 3000+ sq ft and no parking. Still sitting there with no offers.


I guess multi million dollar properties take more than a few months to sell.


MTLskyline and HABSfan, thank you for the warm welcome!

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one of the problem of the Penthouse still for sale at Le Crystal, other than the view, is the fact that the floorplan is awfull, if you pay 3m$ you'd expect a bathroom in every bedroom, not the case, some of the spaces are lost or just too big for nothing (like the wine cellar for instance)

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