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You asked the anglophones on this board to speak up and I have. You can review my comments.



If you take French language protection legislation personally and think that the aim is to attack anglophones, I think you should look at where the majority language is coming from and why they need to take certain measures try to protect their language in this huge sea of Angloamerica, not to mention the influence of English to all languages and cultures around the world. It is a huge task and a constant uphill battle.


I certainly don't believe the legislators goal is to irritate or alienate their anglophone electorate, but I can understand why these measures do make some of them unconfortable. This is unfortunate. Although your disdain seems to stem from all things initiated by the PQ, don't forget that the Liberals are the ones that introduced Bill 22. Quebec has a different language and culture than the rest of the continent, and this anglophone thinks it's great! Nothing is perfect and those that are unhappy here will do themselves a big favour if they leave.


One last thing, rather than get your information from the English Canadian Press, try reading the French Press more. You'll see that they are not out to get us...


I just want to say thanks, IluvMTL. It's nice to have some balanced and intelligent comments on this board, dispite all the disgusting, simplistic and xenophobic ones we have to support from some "angryphones" trolls.

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I just want to say thanks, IluvMTL. It's nice to have some balanced and intelligent comments on this board, dispite all the disgusting, simplistic and xenophobic ones we have to support from some "angryphones" trolls.


Je vous applaudis tous les deux pour votre ouverture et votre belle sensibilité. Nous avons besoin de vos interventions intelligentes et sensées. Et ainsi ramener les échanges dans une atmosphère plus détendue, réaliste et libérée de ce malsain esprit mélodramatique que certains imposent par leur égo démesuré.

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Qui va venir investir dans notre economie et travailler dans nos grandes entreprises Quebecois si il n'y a pas de "in".




Je compte dix interventions de ta part aujourd'hui durant les heures de travail. Ça fait beaucoup de temps en productivité perdu aux dépends d'Air Canada. Un comportement qui serait un bon motif de renvoi et tu ne pourrais même pas compter sur un syndicat pour te défendre. Ici oublie le in ce sera le out.

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Ahhh je viens de comprendre d'ou tu tiens toutes tes infos!

À regarder les articles qu'ils publient, je comprends que t'aies le gout de t'ouvrir les veines depuis septembre 2012!

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