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Membres prolifiques

When Calgary first started bragging about the fact that they had more head offices than Montreal, I did the counting. Calgary wasn`t even close to Montreal. What they did was to not count head offices in places like Laval or St Laurent. About 9 out of 10 of their head offices are related to the oil industry. Why Calgary feels obligated to actually cheat in order to make this claim says a lot about their manabe attitude.

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La mauvaise nouvelle, c'est que Calgary compte plus de sièges sociaux que Montréal, avec un PIB par habitant nettement supérieur, des investissements privés per capita beaucoup plus important. Les perspectives de croissance de Calgary annoncent des projets de tours à bureaux majeurs. Si la tendance se maintient, Calgary va dépasser Montréal en terme de nombre de pieds carrés de bureaux de classe A. C'est vraiment dommage !!



Yeah right, Calgary has a lot less head offices and a lot less businesses, the line up of head offices does not include a number of companies from Mtl for different reasons andis close to bogus...

You live one decade behind as Calgary did not yet fully recovered from the 2008 metl down and does not have the traction it used to have...

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When Calgary first started bragging about the fact that they had more head offices than Montreal, I did the counting. Calgary wasn`t even close to Montreal. What they did was to not count head offices in places like Laval or St Laurent. About 9 out of 10 of their head offices are related to the oil industry. Why Calgary feels obligated to actually cheat in order to make this claim says a lot about their manabe attitude.


Exactly my point.

This list is more a joke than anything else.

That being said, yes we should push for exploitation of our ressrouces: mining, oil, shale gas in a form of partnership where Qc government would be retributed and could use the money pay off our debt, while allowing private section to take a large role and make profit sufficient for the investment their making. This could support Mtl east refineries segtor even without the enbridge project.

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