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1050, rue de la Montagne - 38 étages


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Isn't CCE also 128m?    I find it interesting how this proposal is the exact, random height.   And 1355 R-L is proposed to be 120 m?  Definitely seems to be some sort of lowering of heights to match whatever is already built...   it just makes for an oppressive streetscape, the opposite of the desired outcome.  

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7 minutes ago, internationalx said:

Isn't CCE also 128m?    I find it interesting how this proposal is the exact, random height.   And 1355 R-L is proposed to be 120 m?  Definitely seems to be some sort of lowering of heights to match whatever is already built...   it just makes for an oppressive streetscape, the opposite of the desired outcome.  

CCE is 118m I think

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Invité tamarin007
Il y a 2 heures, KOOL a dit :


 @Djentmaster001    bien entendu tu n'as pas été crédité pour le rendu et Mondo a reçu 22 likes pour son « scoop ». 😂

Capture d’écran, le 2023-10-03 à 08.47.00.png

© Mondo_Grosso  @Djentmaster001

Why would they? Djenmaster001 isn't the source of this picture. You can clearly see the source in the filename of the picture (showing the original URL). You also know that Mtlurb's watermark is missing from Mondo_Grosso's pictures, which make it obvious that Mtlurb isn't the source (I suppose you missed this before posting). Moreover, Mondo_Grosso posted one more "exclusive" project from the same source that wasn't posted on Mtlurb.

They just both follow the same Instagram account.


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il y a 22 minutes, tamarin007 a dit :

Why would they? Djenmaster001 isn't the source of this picture. You can clearly see the source in the filename of the picture (showing the original URL). 

In this case Mondo Grosso should have at least wrote : Source MTLurb

il y a 22 minutes, tamarin007 a dit :

You also know that Mtlurb's watermark is missing form Mondo_Grosso's pictures, which make it obvious that Mtlurb isn't the source (I suppose you missed this before posting). 

Since Mondo Grosso, in both cases, posted his « Agora Scoop » within a hour or so after @Djentmaster001 I figure you missed the fact that cropped screenshots do exist.

Thank you for your first post here. Btw the numbers in your nickname reminds me the ones of a spy. 

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Invité tamarin007

Frankly, I don't understand your reply. It's obvious that the pictures weren't cropped at all. They have exactly the same framing, and they are showing the area of the watermark (just without it)

The filename makes it clear it's coming from Instagram. (Screenshot_20231001_112019_Instagram.thumb.jpg.f35aa60297453c23e366c431c036e4c2.jpg)

Also confirmed by Mondo_Grosso that it's coming from Instagram (not Mtlurb), but without telling which account (the reason of my inquiry here).

Mondo_Grosso posted at least one more picture from the same source that's absent from Mtlurb.

Being slower to repost a picture from Instagram doesn't mean the first to do it is the actual source.

Anyway, you are wrong, there is no shame about that. For myself I'm just curious about the real source.

Modifié par tamarin007
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S'ils construisent une tour ici, les gens vont pouvoir se serrer la main avec ceux des tours voisines depuis leur fenêtre. Ça va être cool niveau intimité d'habiter là-dedans...

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