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Le Peterson - 34 étages


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if that bleury building ever gets built, that view will be almost unparalleled for density city-wide. the only possible comparable areas might be in the concordia ghetto and maybe, if including more blocks, the bell center towers. i wish that more of these smaller streets had survived the superblock era of montreal. imagine the area between saint denis and mcgill college as a warren of narrow streets with high densities like it was, developments like this on concorde, gauchetiere and mayor streets show us just how interesting it might have been.

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Alors quoi, il se pointe le bout du nez, «on» pourra l'apercevoir, mais à l'instar de yarabundi, je ne suis pas amateur de rues perpétuellement sombres. Mais surtout, les occupants des étages inférieurs (la plupart en fait dans ce cas) devront se contenter de vues sur des murs rapprochés. Pour un bureau, ça peut toujours aller, mais pour une résidence? --Ça devient un simple abris (un toit sur la tête), à moins d'être littéralement introverti.

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Narrow street with high density -no sun ever on the street level !! Ever !! You really like this ??!!


oh yeah. it means activity and life, customers for shops, patrons for bars and restaurants, eyes on the streets, and the likelihood of more development. in my fantasy, downtown montreal has a density of paris or manhattan, most people walk or take the metro, it has an electric ambiance, all of the old 'city of montreal' neighborhoods revert to the old village feel of my youth (instead of these transient zones) and the suburbs gradually lose political and economic power.

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Montrez moi un coin de rue à Toronto avec une densité visuel pareil!



Vrai que cette image démontre de la densité, mais il ne faut pas exagérer quand même! Il y a plusieurs endroits à Toronto où ils ont plus de densité (et les tours sont généralement plus hautes aussi)! ;)

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Il n'y a rien de mal à densifier, après tout on est au centre-ville. Comme on dit personne n'a les mêmes priorités et le choix d'un condos est souvent une histoire de compromis. On sacrifie parfois la vue et même la lumière pour être chez soi au coeur de l'action. Incidemment les travailleurs de nuit et les oiseaux de nuit pourraient même y trouver leur compte: rue tranquille et ombragée à souhait.

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oh yeah. it means activity and life, customers for shops, patrons for bars and restaurants, eyes on the streets, and the likelihood of more development. in my fantasy, downtown montreal has a density of paris or manhattan, most people walk or take the metro, it has an electric ambiance, all of the old 'city of montreal' neighborhoods revert to the old village feel of my youth (instead of these transient zones) and the suburbs gradually lose political and economic power.

I understand density and on a street like René-Lévesque it does make sense 'cause it's a large artery. People that will live in the Roccabella even on the boulevard side will at least have the width of this street to enjoy a view on both side. The people living on Concorde street won't see much from their balcony.


That's what I was pointing out with my previous comment. What you're talking about is totally different. You're referring to the impact of such density on the neighbourhood ; I'm talking about the insane lack of natural light on the street level on Concorde street.

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