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I.H.T. SPECIAL REPORT: SMART CITIES,%20auckland,%20berlin&st=cse&scp=1



Published: November 17, 2011


The story of young people, full of ambition, energy, skill and talent, moving to enticing cities that call to them like a siren’s song is as old as modern civilization. And in a world where national borders are easier to traverse, where more countries are joining the prosperous global middle class and where the cost of a one-way plane ticket is more affordable, young professionals probably have more cities to choose from than ever before.


This survey is not based solely on quality of life, number of trees or the cost of a month’s rent. Instead, we examine some cities that aim to be both smart and well managed, yet have an undeniably hip vibe. Our pick of cities that are, in a phrase, both great and good:




With its hearty French and North American mix, this city of 3.6 million has a real soul thanks to low living costs and long winter evenings. And it is no slouch when it comes to good food, hip culture, well-appointed museums and efficient transportation.



With four major universities and plenty of bars, the nightlife in this bilingual city has a well-deserved reputation. Because the winters tend to be long and cold, the city possesses an extensive underground network connecting several downtown malls and a subterranean arts quarter.


When spring finally does arrive, and snow is cleared from the many bike paths, the city puts out its 5,000 short-term-rental bicycles, known as Bixi. City-sponsored community gardens are sprouting around town, giving urbanites a chance to flex their green thumb. Montreal is an incredibly active town where festivals celebrating everything from jazz to Formula One dominate the city’s calendar during the summer.


Thanks to Mount Royal, a large central park and cemetery that serves as cross-country, snowshoe and ice-skating terrain in the winter and becomes a verdant picnic ground and gathering spot in the summer, Montrealers never have to leave city limits.

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Hmm.. on dirait une énumération de clichés et de stéréotypes, mais bon, on refusera pas de se faire flatter un peu :rolleyes: !


''Montrealers never have to leave city limits.'' à part si vous devez passer par Westmount pour vous rendre d'un point A au point B eheh!

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c'est vrai que ca ressemble au meme vieux ramassi de cliche que l'on entends toujours venant du bureau de tourisme, mais ce que je retiens davantage ici ce sont les autres villes qui accompagnent montreal dans cet article - cape town, berlin, barcelone, copenhagen - toutes des villes admirees par plusieurs... si le ny times a decider de placer montreal dans cette "gang" la, ce n'est surement pas pour rien !

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c'est vrai que ca ressemble au meme vieux ramassi de cliche que l'on entends toujours venant du bureau de tourisme, mais ce que je retiens davantage ici ce sont les autres villes qui accompagnent montreal dans cet article - cape town, berlin, barcelone, copenhagen - toutes des villes admirees par plusieurs... si le ny times a decider de placer montreal dans cette "gang" la, ce n'est surement pas pour rien !


En effet! Excellente observation!

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