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Membres prolifiques

J'aurais aimé que ces deux points soient transférés à l'échelon municipal, pas du fédéral au provincial... Dommage!


Plus I heard this morning the City of Montreal bringing back certain taxes, I can't remember which ones. YAY 2011 is the year they bleed us to death lol


One thing with the tax increase, they better start cracking down on shady businesses and construction companies. Have those fuckers start paying their share.

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I just got a message from Rogers saying "Starting January 1st, 2011 the GST will be 8.5%"




What's even more appalling by 2012 it will be 9.5%


I guess you were under a rock when they announced that before ;)


fuckerrrssss... tax tax tax tax


I just renewed my car registration yesterday, supposedly the Tramblay's car tax is Jan 2011, so now I am paid until the middle of 2012 :D

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I guess you were under a rock when they announced that before ;)


fuckerrrssss... tax tax tax tax


I just renewed my car registration yesterday, supposedly the Tramblay's car tax is Jan 2011, so now I am paid until the middle of 2012 :D


In all honesty, I totally forgot that they were increasing the taxes until today. Last time they announced the increase of the QST was back in 2009 or something right?

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Meanwhile in Washington: Taxing Soda to Close the Deficit


NOVEMBER 16, 2010, 11:00 PM




The second bipartisan panel to issue a big deficit report has come out in favor of a tax on soda and other sweetened beverages.


The panel — chaired by former Senator Pete Domenici, a Republican, and Alice Rivlin, a Democrat and former White House budget director — said a soda tax would “help reduce long-term health care spending to treat obesity-related illnesses – including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and stroke.” The tax would be “an excise tax on the manufacture and importation of beverages sweetened with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup.”


The tax would raise more than $15 billion in 2015, the panel estimated — similar to the amount of savings the government might get from eliminating all earmarks.


We’ve written about a soda tax before here at Economix. The beauty of it is that it falls on the very behavior — the gallon-a-week-per-person national soda habit — that imposes costs on society: namely, higher medical bills. Unlike so many other beverages and foods, Coke and Pepsi have no nutritional benefit, as food researchers often emphasize. Yet per-capita consumption of sugary drinks has nearly tripled in the last 30 years, accounting for about half the total rise in calorie intake over that period.


A big reason Americans are drinking more soda is that it’s so much cheaper than it used to be. The American Heart Association, which has also endorsed a soda tax, notes that children and teenagers are especially price-conscious consumers and are also especially big soda drinkers today.


Look for the Coke, Pepsi and their lobbyists to criticize the deficit panel today. But that’s to be expected. A soda tax might help public health, but it would surely hurt those companies’ profits.


The full deficit report will be posted Wednesday on the Web site of the Bipartisan Policy Center.



Excellent idea I find. :-)

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In all honesty, I totally forgot that they were increasing the taxes until today. Last time they announced the increase of the QST was back in 2009 or something right?


Oh yeah... I remember Charest was even talking about it before Harper even cut the GST...


My big problem with soda tax is that there is nothing about soda in particular that is problematic. People are saying "obesity" and the like but it is BS... even alcohol at least you can get drunk off it (that said I hate alcohol taxes as well)

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