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Canadiens de Montréal


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Just like Ornello, I am not the least worried. If the Habs had played their hearts out and given it their all and lost that way, then I would be worried. They hardly showed up and in this case, it's a bitter sweet relief to know they can definitely do better.


isnt the fact that they hardly showed up what's most worrisome ? those are the freakin conference finals, for crying out loud ! ...


moi quand j'ai vu que philadelphie avait gagne le 7em match a boston, et surtout de la facon qu'ils l'ont fait, j'ai eu un tres mauvais pressentiment pour la serie contre montreal. cette equipe la est sur un high inebranlable (encore plus maintenant, aussi!) ... j'veux dire, on pourrait gagner les 3 prochains matchs et mener le 5em par une bonne marge qu'ils vont toujours croire en leurs chances ...!


moi je pressent un serie frustrante a mort .... du moment qu'ils ont battu pittsburgh, le canadien etait condamne a gagne la coupe. ils sont passe du jour au lendemain de rien a perdre a tout a perdre. on va peut-etre gagner la serie, on se le souhaite, mais faut avouer que la meilleure equipe des deux est celle qui a gagner hier soir. le canadien depuis la mi avril, c'est l'histoire d'un gardien et d'un trio et demi, qui a fait face a deux equipes qui mettaient tout leurs espoir dans deux ou trois joueurs avec des gardiens so so.

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1. The Flyers are talking too much. You can tell by their attitude when their talking to the media that they don't think Montreal can beat them. Funny how Washington and Pittsburgh felt the same way early on in those series.


2. Glen Healy is just too much. He's so angry - at everything. Did you hear how he dumped on the Capitals and Penguins. "Montreal's never faced a defense this good. This isn't Mike Green or Jordan Leopold...The Capitals talked about getting in front of Halak, the Penguins talked about it too, but it was just that - all talk, these Flyers are getting it done!" I'm sure Mike Green and Jordan Leopold must have loved hearing how much they sucked against the Canadiens on national TV.


3. The line of the night for me has to have been Bob Cole's comment to the Flyers fans mocking Habs fan by chanting. "These Flyer fans are having a ball. Enjoy it while it last."


4. "The Relentless Pursuit of History." lol That sounds as contrived as "The Passion that Unites Us All". Don't worry Flyers fans, the Flyers are on a relentless pursuit of history - Habs history as one of the teams we beat towards the cup. At that time, your Flyers will be history.


I want them to lose the series outright. I can't stand the Flyers, and after they started to taunt Montreal fans by mockingly chanting ole- ole, I hate their fans too. I don't mind fans chanting against the team, but chanting against fans or a city, that's cuts to personal for me.


Philly, Philly Philly - We know why you're pissed!

Boston has the Brains

New York has the Money

D.C. has the Power

And all you have are cheesesteaks -and murders

- and You Know It!

You Know It!

You Know It!

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1. The Flyers are talking too much. You can tell by their attitude when their talking to the media that they don't think Montreal can beat them. Funny how Washington and Pittsburgh felt the same way early on in those series.

Yeah, every team acts a little cocky after the first game.

2. Glen Healy is just too much. He's so angry - at everything. Did you hear how he dumped on the Capitals and Penguins. "Montreal's never faced a defense this good. This isn't Mike Green or Jordan Leopold...The Capitals talked about getting in front of Halak, the Penguins talked about it too, but it was just that - all talk, these Flyers are getting it done!" I'm sure Mike Green and Jordan Leopold must have loved hearing how much they sucked against the Canadiens on national TV.

Former backup... I found his comment about the defense funny though.


3. The line of the night for me has to have been Bob Cole's comment to the Flyers fans mocking Habs fan by chanting. "These Flyer fans are having a ball. Enjoy it while it last."

I was always under the impression that Bob Cole was a Leafs guy?


4. "The Relentless Pursuit of History." lol That sounds as contrived as "The Passion that Unites Us All". Don't worry Flyers fans, the Flyers are on a relentless pursuit of history - Habs history as one of the teams we beat towards the cup. At that time, your Flyers will be history.

Yeah, that sounds like a cheesy corporate slogan.

I want them to lose the series outright. I can't stand the Flyers, and after they started to taunt Montreal fans by mockingly chanting ole- ole, I hate their fans too. I don't mind fans chanting against the team, but chanting against fans or a city, that's cuts to personal for me.

Well, Habs fans do boo the US Anthem all the time. That is a lot more personal than them mocking our soccer chant.


Philly, Philly Philly - We know why you're pissed!

Boston has the Brains

New York has the Money

D.C. has the Power

And all you have are cheesesteaks -and murders

- and You Know It!

You Know It!

You Know It!

Real Philly Cheesesteaks are pretty good though. :silly:

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Philly, Philly Philly - We know why you're pissed!

Boston has the Brains

New York has the Money

D.C. has the Power

And all you have are cheesesteaks -and murders

- and You Know It!

You Know It!

You Know It!


War, it's now time for war! My brother in law is from Philly but rooting for the Habs, told him your riddle, he laughed and wants to send it to his Philly friends...



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isnt the fact that they hardly showed up what's most worrisome ? those are the freakin conference finals, for crying out loud ! ...


moi quand j'ai vu que philadelphie avait gagne le 7em match a boston, et surtout de la facon qu'ils l'ont fait, j'ai eu un tres mauvais pressentiment pour la serie contre montreal. cette equipe la est sur un high inebranlable (encore plus maintenant, aussi!) ... j'veux dire, on pourrait gagner les 3 prochains matchs et mener le 5em par une bonne marge qu'ils vont toujours croire en leurs chances ...!


moi je pressent un serie frustrante a mort .... du moment qu'ils ont battu pittsburgh, le canadien etait condamne a gagne la coupe. ils sont passe du jour au lendemain de rien a perdre a tout a perdre. on va peut-etre gagner la serie, on se le souhaite, mais faut avouer que la meilleure equipe des deux est celle qui a gagner hier soir. le canadien depuis la mi avril, c'est l'histoire d'un gardien et d'un trio et demi, qui a fait face a deux equipes qui mettaient tout leurs espoir dans deux ou trois joueurs avec des gardiens so so.


Pedepy...How can you say the better team of the two are the Flyers when the they both "snuck" into the series with 88 points? The Flyers had the offense but no goaltending, the Habs had the goaltending but no offense! This series will be close and the name of the game in the playoffs is that good goaltending will always stop a good offensive team. We saw it with the Caps and Penguins. The Flyers aren't Gretzky's Oilers and even the Oilers had great goaltending with Grant Fuhr. Michael Leighton is a journeyman who's been bounced from team to team and also had a cup of coffee with the Habs but he's no second coming of Bernie Parent.

The Habs need to get back to what they were doing in the first two series, that is sound defensive hockey, playing man-to-man and pouncing on opportunities. We do not care about shots on goal as long as Halak stops them and as long as our defensive core stops them as well.

The Flyers are on a 5 game winning streak, they are due for a loss.

Now, having said all that, tonights game is crucial and could dictate the series, so this is a must win for the Habs, not the end of the world but you want to come back home with the series tied.

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Well, Habs fans do boo the US Anthem all the time.


Bull Shit. I was at the Bell Centre for game #6 against the Caps and game #6 against the Pens. And in both occasions, the bell centre crowd was actually singing the american national anthem...not booing!


The Flyers are talking too much. You can tell by their attitude when their talking to the media that they don't think Montreal can beat them. Funny how Washington and Pittsburgh felt the same way early on in those series.


Good. Let them get cocky. Look what happened to the Caps and the Pens. When you don't respect your opponent, that's when you get fvcked up the ass!


The Habs need to get back to what they were doing in the first two series, that is sound defensive hockey, playing man-to-man and pouncing on opportunities. We do not care about shots on goal as long as Halak stops them and as long as our defensive core stops them as well.


More importantly, the Habs D-men have to clear the front of the net. On Brière's and Gagné's goals, Halak must have had 2 flyers players in front of him. He never saw the Brière shot. As good as Halak is, if he can't see the puck, he can't stop it!

Modifié par Habsfan
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I've been to a bunch of games recently (2008-2010) and not once have i heared the U.S. Anthem booed. Ever since the Bell Center started putting up the lyrics and scenes of New York City on the big screen, i can distinctly say that i hear people SING their anthem more than boo it, like Habsfan says!


As for the Flyers/Canadiens...


The Canadiens fell asleep game 1. We may have gotten complacent, perhaps too relaxed. We might have thought this series would be easier than the last.


This crushing defeat was a wake up call, a call to reason and passion. The Habs have been humbled. This is why i believe they'll bounce back, and strongly, to tie the series tonight.


The Flyers, on the other hand, may have won the first game, but they've taken a huge step back by inflating their egos and becoming overconfident. I heard Briere's post-game interview, and wow... the cockiness, overconfidence and sheer arrogance was just as bad as Ovechkin's and Crosby's.


This is one of the reasons why i'm so proud of the Habs this season. Their attitude on and off the ice is great. Have you ever heard Cammalleri boast about his accomplishments or Halak gloat over his win post-game? Never. They always attribute their success to the team. If pucks don't go in they don't say "our opponents have just been lucky, we'll end up scoring goals and win". No, if pucks don't go in they say "we have to make our own luck and try harder, harder, harder." It's this positive attitude that i really like.


Whenever players demonstrate cockiness and arrogance, the Hockey Gods smite them. I think the Flyers are shooting themselves in the foot by taking game 1 as an absolute sign of things to come and underestimating the Habs.


Also, the law of averages is on our side. We're probabilistically due to perform far, far better game 2.


My prediction:

Game 1 - Flyers

Game 2 - Habs

Game 3 - Habs

Game 4 - Habs

Game 5 - Flyers

Game 6 - Habs


One last thing about the Hockey Gods -- they don't like illusions of grandeur. The Flyers and their narcissistic "Pursuit of History" says flat out "the Cup is ours, we're entitled to it." While Habs fans may taunt opposing players on the ice and celebrate victories on the streets, they don't for a second believe the Stanley Cup is theirs to lose or that it's going to be easy, or that it's their right to win it or that they're entitled to it.


Hockey Karma has a strange way of working out, so don't get too cocky and arrogant, Flyers, or you just might get a surprise.

Modifié par Cataclaw
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Tonight's Habs will be pumped to the max. All this ''Ole Ole'' crap is just motivation for them. What better way to shut the home crowd up than by putting the puck in the net?


Pedepy, ton point est valide, mais pour une durée limitée seulement, selon moi. Les deux équipes ont accompli des choses incroyables. C'est difficile si tôt dans la série de donner le titre de ''meilleure équipe'' à qui que ce soit. Il ne faut surtout pas sous-estimer aucune des deux équipes. Le Canadien jusqu'à date a été impeccable en défensive, sauf pour les match #1 contre les Pens et les Flyers. Il ne faut pas croire que l'attaque des Flyers est meilleure que celle des Caps et des Pens. On a quand même réussi a contenir beaucoup de joueurs qui sont considérés parmi les meilleurs de la ligue et je crois que le match 1 était juste un résultat de plusieurs facteurs (Flyers gagnent le 7e match, match à domicile, foule complètement affolée, repos peut-être trop long) qui ont joué contre le CH (je compte bien sûr aussi leur performance.....not making excuses for them).


Am I the only one here who wishes to see O'Byrne replace Bergeron?

Modifié par Road Warrior
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Tonight's Habs will be pumped to the max. All this ''Ole Ole'' crap is just motivation for them. What better way to shut the home crowd up than by putting the puck in the net?


Pedepy, ton point est valide, mais pour une durée limitée seulement, selon moi. Les deux équipes ont accompli des choses incroyables. C'est difficile si tôt dans la série de donner le titre de ''meilleure équipe'' à qui que ce soit. Il ne faut surtout pas sous-estimer aucune des deux équipes. Le Canadien jusqu'à date a été impeccable en défensive, sauf pour les match #1 contre les Pens et les Flyers. Il ne faut pas croire que l'attaque des Flyers est meilleure que celle des Caps et des Pens. On a quand même réussi a contenir beaucoup de joueurs qui sont considérés parmi les meilleurs de la ligue et je crois que le match 1 était juste un résultat de plusieurs facteurs (Flyers gagnent le 7e match, match à domicile, foule complètement affolée, repos peut-être trop long) qui ont joué contre le CH (je compte bien sûr aussi leur performance.....not making excuses for them).


Am I the only one here who wishes to see O'Byrne replace Bergeron?


No! I too wish to see O'Byrne but Bergeron has his place on the 1st unit of the Power Play only!

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Bull Shit. I was at the Bell Centre for game #6 against the Caps and game #6 against the Pens. And in both occasions, the bell centre crowd was actually singing the american national anthem...not booing!

Game 3 against the caps there was distinctive booing. And it wasn't the first time that this has happened. They may not do it every single game, but don't try and tell me that it doesn't happen.

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