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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. No, cmon, you were having a meet-up. 😁
  2. These will likely be removed soon, just a matter of which crews have access to each sector and when. NouvLR crews are still finishing up the new embankment along Smith and the widening of the de la Commune overpass; the CN (or authorized 3rd-party) crews will remove the old porticos when they have clear access.
  3. In this series, you’ve found virtually the same angles as our enthusiastic young friend with the shiny new Pixel. Did you have a meet-up?
  4. That’s a pretty big machine for turning the soil before planting next year's crop.
  5. SameGuy

    Odea - 25 étages

    There’s that Pharmaprix again. It’s everywhere.
  6. ÀMHA, ce signe a une valeur patrimoniale énorme (😉) et aurait dû être préservé. Un bon ami de la famille est l'un des seuls héritiers restants de l'empire Dawes, et la Black Horse était une « bière montréalaise » aussi emblématique que la Frontenac originale, Molson et Dow.
  7. Hugo Barrette from Cap-Aux-Meules had to live in Los Angeles for half a decade to train, because until 2015 there were no world-class facilities in Canada. The Mattamy National Cycling Centre velodrome in Milton, Ontario, opened in 2015 to host the PanAm Games. Milton is now home to Canada's national training centre.
  8. I have no doubt that the Biodôme is a wondrous attraction, but it still makes me sad that a world-class velodrome and training facility was erased from a city that bills itself as the cycling capital of North America.
  9. Beautiful shots as always, @Rocco. Thanks for sharing.
  10. It’s good to see you, friend. Je vous souhaite une guérison rapide et (espérons) pas trop désagréable! 🙂
  11. The Floor Area Ratio (COS) rules should be revised, to allow for taller buildings on smaller lots, and higher ratios further from the centre. We can’t keep decrying the lack of available housing while not allowing more verticality. Of course, there’s a limit to what’s an acceptable ratio in a medium-sized city with large annular suburban land opportunity such as Montréal: Melbourne’s CBD and inner suburbs had ratios as high as 32:1 until recently, leading to a real manhattanization problem; it has since been revised to max out at 16:1 — which is still significantly more dense than Montréal's very sparingly-applied 12:1.
  12. If they clean and rejuvenate the Maritime Hotel and uncover the windows of the flying saucer it will be something spectacular.
  13. Vas-tu faire partie de l'équipe de démantelage?
  14. Yup, as expected, they are truly unconcerned with the actual interconnections between modes.
  15. Cela reste possible, mais probable… ? J’ai mes doutes.
  16. Avant-hier en passant je n’avais pas remarqué les “pattes courtes” sur la culée à Anse comme on les voit à Fairview… les voussoirs de la dernière travée, vont-ils être levés par en bas?
  17. Lol the wife of one of my best friends is from Samara Oblast in a village just outside the city and she was shocked I knew about Togliatti/Tolyattigrad 😁
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