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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. You’d spend half the tour on Lincoln and President Kennedy LOL
  2. I’ll agree with roads, but everything else you listed is either operated by local municipalities, or private enterprises for profit. Not at all the same as roads. But let’s also not forget that more than 40% of the retail (pump) price of gasoline and diesel in Montreal is made up of excise and value-added taxes going to the city, province and Ottawa. The fact that most of it goes into the general funds of each (instead of paying for the roads) doesn’t negate the fact that it’s a user fee.
  3. I think the next big boom will be in “satellites downtowns” – that is, if the NIMBYs don’t gain too much control — and we will finally enter a phase that Toronto, Dallas, Boston, and other mid-sized cities of the 70s entered during the early 80s. 😉
  4. Photo h/t @Rocco. As you can see they had trouble stabilizing the foundation of the pillar. No other columns in 20+ km of aerial structure have extra shoring piles at the base.
  5. 100 % d'accord avec tous tes points, y compris la façon dont le paradigme du transport en commun va changer en banlieue avec l'arrivée du REM.
  6. The current rendering still shows the Esso? Lol
  7. 3 km from the station with few stretches of sidewalk, unlikely that bus lines in my area will change much. I’ll try to bike to the station when the roads allow (April through most of December), but — assuming I work during REM hours — bike 10-15 minutes, REM to Bois-Franc, change tracks, REM to YUL, walk ~10 minutes to our CCO… that’s an hour or more. Right now I drive 15 minutes and park 2 minute walk from CCO.
  8. For example, here is my WalkScore. 19. Nineteen. It’s only as high as 19 because I live less than one kilometre from a large municipal park with recreational facilities. Oh, and no sidewalks to get to either the park, or to the bus stops.
  9. Mon problème, c'est votre utilisation de « les mordus de l'automobile », comme si tous les résidents de l'Ouest-de-l'Île avaient le choix facile entre utiliser une voiture et se déplacer à pied ou en transport en commun. Beaucoup d'individus prennent les bus ici. Comme vous le dites, ils ont la chance (ou le courage) de pouvoir marcher jusqu'à l'arrêt de bus le plus proche. Mais encore une fois, le fait est que pour la plupart des gens de l'Ouest-de-l'Île, une voiture est nécessaire pour effectuer les activités quotidiennes de la vie. Nous ne sommes certainement pas « mordus ».
  10. It looked like they had to shore up the foundation a couple of times. No other column has extra piles around the base. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  11. Bingo. C’est plus ou moins ce que je dis depuis le début. Même depuis le dépôt du Master Plan il y a une décennie.
  12. Exactly. That’s astonishing to visitors as well.
  13. It’s pretty great and close to everything. On top of Rosemont metro. Seven minute walk or two minute Bixi to Beaubien metro. Two minutes by bike in any direction and there are hundreds of shops and restaurants, and you’re a metro ride away from everything in the city.
  14. À peine débarqué de l’apareil puis tu plaisantes déjà avec Rocco lol
  15. I stand corrected, there is a small stand of trees (including a couple of fatties) in the section closest to St-Charles, opposite Héma Québec’s Globule clinic.
  16. Very very cool that you observed this fouille! I learn something new here every day.
  17. 40 years ago, the Fairview woods was also a friche. As I said before, it had/has a few stands of older trees — just like almost every plot of land in the West Island. It has grown into a woods since then. 40 years ago, most of the Kirkland friche was levelled for development that never went forward, but was about as wooded at the time as the Fairview “forest” was then. The vast majority of the canopy at Fairview is not old-growth. The ecosystems within have evolved over the last century, and I’m not arguing that they shouldn’t be given consideration, only that — on the whole — this property is no different from any other developable plot on the West Island.
  18. They’re gone. Des clichés à venir durant mes courses…
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