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Tout ce qui a été posté par SameGuy

  1. FRA regulations. Only Otrain and CalTrain have very strict waivers in order to run much-lighter MU trains on a time-sharing basis with freight railways. Every other passenger railway running on time-shared ROWs uses much heavier rail equipment, usually diesel (sometimes electric) push-pull trains, or heavy rail DMUs.
  2. I’m still trying to suss your angle… On the one hand you’re saying the added ridership would overburden a system running a ~700-passenger train every six minutes, while on the other you’re saying it won’t be that busy at all. The 24heures citation isn’t different from the Trajectoire study though. The article simply quotes the study. This is where you are confusing me.
  3. Yeah, to believe the Centra renders, 1000 would be taller than almost everything in southwest downtown other than 1250.
  4. Ou p-ê ajouter l’URL du caméra de chantier à l’entête pour ceux dont cela s’interesse.
  5. This IS the Trajectoire Québec study. How does it support your claim that the system couldn’t handle the extra ridership?
  6. How are your wild guesses more valid than the work of those who study this for a living? 🤔
  7. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    I can’t afford to go see the OSM, but the government paid/pays for PdA, including leasing the Maison Symphonique from the IAG-led P3. IAG (nor SNC-Lavalin before it) certainly didn’t join this P3 out of benevolence; like GBM, they expect to make money. I don’t see the difference. One person’s justifiable cultural investment is another person’s waste of taxpayer dollars.
  8. Somebody please pull out a damn mobile or even a damn Kodak and take some actual damn pictures of these damn projects please.
  9. The study by Trajectoire Québec would disagree with you.
  10. I was thinking the exact same thing! Lmao
  11. Not to be glib, but we can’t even convince them to run the TBM for an extra couple of weeks to get from the airport to Dorval station, nor the roadheader from the Côte-Vertu Garage to Bois-Franc. A second line to the airport won’t even happen in your great-grandchildren’s lifetimes.
  12. Picture tk tomorrow, but Wagon 03 is actually shuttling the poles for the overhead line system. Yesterday I couldn’t make out the big pile of girders from the Héma Québec parking lot diagonally opposite, but a large crane seems to have been hoisting the poles onto the wagon non-stop for two days now. Today I got a clear look. What’s funny is that these massive, oversized 𝐼-beams are anchored by four small shear bolts and nuts that look the same as you’d find on any modern, lithe street lamp or traffic signal. Why are these poles so massive?
  13. Like our Met. Or REM-A, 60 years later.
  14. It’s an electric train on a concrete beam 50 feet in the air, with not a tree in sight. What on earth could possibly clog an 8” pipe?
  15. The temporary drains on the signature aerial structure are quite the eyeful… …but the permanent drains are worse, and truly look like yet another after-thought brought on by this accelerated design-build process
  16. Shuttle Wagon 03 is at St-Charles (it’s not a self-propelled wagon). I have no idea what it’s dropping off (or picking up?)…
  17. Pourquoi semble-t-il que tant d'éléments restent en dehors de la compétence d'Infra? “That’s the city’s responsibility… That’s ARTM’s responsibility…” This is simply not an integrated transit project.
  18. SameGuy

    Expos de Montréal

    I’m really hoping the chips fall differently and the Group is “ready” when Rob calls to say that the entire franchise is available for 81 games in Montréal. The “garde-partagée” idea is ludicrous on so many levels.
  19. Je parlais du dédoublement qui arrive parfois. Il semble que tu l’aies déjà nettoyé. 😉
  20. Oh good, the double/multiple-posting doesn’t only happen to me! 😅
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